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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.


The Christmas season is a wonderful one! To take advantage of the festivities and cheer, try to tackle this Christmas bucket list!

  1. Make a gingerbread house.
  2. Go Christmas caroling.
  3. Drive around in PJs to look at Christmas lights.
  4. Decorate the tree.
  5. Get crafty with ornaments and DIY projects.
  6. Decorate your dorm/apartment/house.
  7. Drink mint hot chocolate.
  8. Buy a Christmas popcorn tin.
  9. Bake and decorate Christmas cookies.
  10. Kiss your crush under the mistletoe.
  11. Buy a Christmas dress.
  12. Write a Christmas list.
  13. Go gift shopping for loved ones.
  14. Read a Christmas story.
  15. Watch a light show.
  16. Listen to Christmas music.
  17. Watch ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas.
  18. Go ice skating.
  19. Host an ugly Christmas sweater party.
  20. Volunteer or donate.
  21. Eat candy canes.
  22. Visit the city.
  23. Bundle up and walk through a festive town with loved ones.
  24. Light some festive candles.
  25. Buy scented pinecones.

Enjoy your time!


I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.