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Abnormally Large Animals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

(Cover photo from here)

When I was just a wee tot, I loved pretending that I was an explorer crouching in the grass looking for grasshoppers. That was what I passionately loved in first grade. I couldn’t care less about the new swings or the big bouncy balls that all my peasant friends wanted, all I wanted to do during recess was to catch as many grasshoppers as I could find. Heck, I even begged my mom to get me an insect catching kit (which I obviously didn’t need but wanted so badly because I thought those cool gadgets would make my insect collector persona look more polished). But since my mom wasn’t persuaded by my pleas, I had to settle with an old jam jar with tiny holes poked on the lid (such blasphemy, six-year-old me thought). One day during recess while I was just doing my usual biz, I came across the biggest grasshopper I’ve ever seen in my life.  My school was located on top of a mountain thus it’s not a complete shocker when someone comes across a snake or wild rabbits. But a humongous grasshopper? Boy, did my jaws drop. The grasshopper was 30 cm long and 8 cm tall. Okay, my memory might be a little bit foggy, and because I was small and short, things tend to look bigger than they actually are, but I remembered calling for my teacher and my teacher being as surprised and gobsmacked as I was.

I was reminded of this incident after I went to the zoo last weekend while I was browsing through the insect section, and it suddenly piqued my curiosity – What are some other gross, abnormally large creatures that inhabit on our planet earth? Which is why after the zoo, I decided to google abnormally large animals and this is what I found:

(Warning: These pictures might be repulsive to some of you. If you think regular sized frogs are too slimy and too ew then there is a high chance that you might not enjoy these pictures.)


Okay, this isn’t as big as the grasshopper that I saw in first grade. But I know what I saw.


These big fishies are the result of people flushing unwanted goldfish down the toilet. Some survive and because without the restraint of fishtanks, these goldfish are able to grow into a size that we do not normally see at a home setting.

Praying Mantis

I do not understand why anyone would let a Praying Mantis to chill on his/her head.


Darius, the world’s largest rabbit is 4ft long! 


I’m not too sure what I feel about this picture.

and also Tiny Frog…

Like how I stumbled upon the giant grasshopper, I also found this little guy a few years ago… should’ve kept it and made it mine.

I hope you find these mildly interesting like I did. The earth is a very cool place. Thanks for reading (looking at the pictures I found), I’ll see you next time.

Image credits: 1 2 3 4 5

I'm trying to be the good in this world.