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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

In 2010, Tavi Gevinson had an idea. Little did she know, it would blossom into a profound career.

Today, the 19-year-old tends to her self-created magazine, a forum of entertaining content for teenage girls, focusing on themes of style, fashion and feminism. 

The magazine known as Rookie Magazine receives content from a wide array of contributors, ranging from celebrities and journalists, to the magazine’s readers. 

Aside from the three paper published editions of Rookie Magazine archives, the magazine is almost completely digital. The website, rookiemag.com, is updated three times a day, five times a week. 

The rich content can range from photography and short stories, to blog postsand articles. Each post presents something new to discover, based around a theme that changes monthly.

Gevinson, the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine explained, “If the next thing I do is not necessarily filling the role of ‘the future of journalism,’ it’ll probably be whatever is making me happiest, and that’s enough for me.”

Rookie‘s goal is to open the minds of teenagers and to inspire curiosity and appreciation for art at its most vulnerable, raw state. 

I'm Mel, a hockey playing, musical performing, cat lover from Connecticut. An aspiring broadcast journalist, I hope to post content that captures the essence of emerson, while also encouraging others to make differences within their community.
Emerson contributor