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The Cage: A poem by Jackie Czarnecki

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

The Cage

I am in a cage.

A prison of False truths.

A cage of Fear,


calcium sticks beneath my skin.

My mind is the meanest sergeant.

But who is to blame?

For whipping me until it felt I am

“in shape.”

I am in a cage

in front of eyes who cannot see the b a r s.  

I seem untouched

Baring bones, 

not showing my scars. 

Words were a hot blade

inflicting pain

I tried to resist. 

But once I ignored the agony, 

I felt a dagger

push and twist. 

Even in a sea of faces I felt

so alone

though I am connected by verbal ways and telephones. 

I could not speak about it

because no one truly understands.

Until they are in the cage

and reaching for a hand.