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UWindsor Faculties as Hogwarts Houses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

In J.K. Rowling’s Famous Harry Potter series, each House at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has its own unique features and similar personalities among members. The same can be said for various faculties at the University of Windsor. At Hogwarts, students are sorted into Houses by a mental assessment done by the sorting hat, but here at UWindsor, we just cross our fingers and hope that we made the right decision.


Gryffindor – Human Kinetics


Gryffindor House was notorious for winning the House Cup, the Quiddich Cup, and pretty much every popularity contest. Most fans dreamed of being a Gryffindor, like Harry Potter, and even cheated on Facebook quizzes to achieve this House as internet status. Does this remind anyone else of how everyone in grade twelve wanted to apply for Human Kinetics?


Slytherin – Business & Law


While mistakenly seen as the “evil” House, Slytherins are just very goal-oriented people willing to do anything and everything to get what they want. With a desire to be on top, these students can be extremely competitive and are always thinking of new ways to succeed. Business and Law students can relate.


Ravenclaw – Engineering & Sciences


Members of Ravenclaw are well known for their intelligence above all else. The quirkiness of Rowling’s most well-known Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood, can be seen in the behaviour of many Engineering and Science students when the stress of constant midterms and exams wear away at their sanity.


Hufflepuff – Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences


Unquestionably the least popular House, Hufflepuffs are undervalued. Having kind hearts and rarely taken seriously by other faculties, many Arts, Humanities, and Social Science students often feel like Hufflepuffs. However, Cedric Diggory proved that there’s a lot more to Hufflepuffs than meets the eye.

I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus UWindsor. I am enrolled in English & Creative Writing and Visual Arts. Art, music, and writing are my obsessions! But my heart also belongs to books and big dogs.