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How To Be Happily Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.


Who needs a date when you can dress your book in a paper tux for formal?

The candy is out in droves at the front of the supermarket, every store email list you ever had the misfortune of subscribing to has come out of the woodwork to flood your inbox with discounts and hearts, and the mall seems to be turning a sickly shade of pink. That’s right, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. 
Also aptly dubbed ‘Single’s Awareness Day,’ February 14th will probably be wonderful for that couple who sits in the back of your Psych class cuddling and Instagramming their engagement rings. For you, single soul, it will probably just be a day of a few extra people (probably your grandma) asking when you’re going to get a boyfriend. But Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a non-event. Whether you’re still recovering from that boy who broke your heart, or you’ve never moved out of Singleton, treat yourself this Valentine’s Day:
Have a single’s party. Odds are you aren’t the only one of your friends alone on this holiday. Get your single friends together for something fun. Go out to dinner together, have a beach bonfire, or even go rollerskating. Alternatively…
Have a one person party. Who knows, you could have a boyfriend next year. You could have another boyfriend the year after that. For all you know, you could be married in three Valentine’s Days. This could be your last chance to do you on Valentine’s Day. Treat yourself to a nice dinner with your favorite book. Go out to the movie no one else wanted to see. Stay in and eat all of your ice cream. No one will care; they’re too wrapped up in their own love life to bother with yours. 
Do anything you never get to do because of the couples in your life. Do your apartmentmates or roommates have boyfriends? Perfect, that means you can count on having the place to yourself. Take as long in the bathroom as you like, no one’s rushing you. Finally…
Bonus Alternative: just get your homework done on the 14th and celebrate the 15th, Discount Candy Day, instead.