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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Megyn Kelly has been called many names, some by politicians, some by people hiding behind their Twitter handle, but what noone can deny is that when she asks a question, everything else stops.

The feud between Kelly and Trump started during the first Republican debate when Kelly asked Trump about his past controversial Twitter comments that called women dumb, ugly, pigs and the like. She asked, “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president…”, a question that was recognized by many journalists and political writers as “fair game”. Half of the population in the United States is female; Kelly had the right to ask that question on behalf of all women living in the United States. However, Trump didn’t think so.

In the months after the debate, Trump and many Conservatives declared war on Fox News, a once beloved Conservative network, and demanded that Kelly be taken off the screen. That of course didn’t happen. Kelly continued to do her show after a short break making Trump and his supporters unhappier than ever.

The rest is history. Before the most recent debate, Trump threatened Fox News by refusing to participate in the debate unless Kelly was to be replaced. However, Fox News stood by Kelly, and Trump stood by his refusal and did not appear at the debate.

Being a non-American and having lived in North America for only 4 years, the only contexts in which I knew Fox News were limited to racist news stories, an almost all white news crew and the lack of minority voices. Now, I can also add to the list: the network that refused to bow down to threats and stood behind their journalist. One of the reasons why Fox News did that was undoubtedly their trust in Kelly, and of course, the publicity that she brings to debates. Trump or no-Trump, Kelly does ask tough questions and doesn’t accept watered down answers from candidates.

Does Kelly have no fault in anything that she does? After all, she was the news anchor that said Santa had to be white and so did Jesus. How did we forget about all of that? If you want a very honest answer from me, I would say because we have met Trump, the man who defied all rules about political correctness.

Kelly does matter because she is going against Trump on a channel that is – or was – the go-to network for Republicans. With every tough question she asks, she’s setting the scale for more realistic debates where voters get to see who cracks and who doesn’t. Mr. Trump, for somebody trying to become the President, making the decisions in a country that prides itself for being the greatest nation in the world, you cracked pretty easily. 

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