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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Name: Joe Balzamo

Year: Senior

Major: Finance 

Hometown: Brooklyn

Status: Single (insert smirk emoji here)

Everyone say hello to a good friend of mine, the realest and greatest JB to ever live, Joe Balzamo. When he graduates, Joe aspires to become a financial analyst in Manhattan. Over the summer, he had an internship with Halcyon Asset Management in NYC, where he had access to billions of dollars worth of assets! He plays several intramurals such as flag football, basketball, softball and soccer. He’s a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, which is the economics honor society here at the U. On paper, he has it all. If that doesn’t make you want to read more about him, what will? 


HC: Looking back on your Scranton career, what was the best denaples meal you’ve ever had?

JB: Chicken parm is definitely up there. 


HC: I know that you sometimes cook your own food, what’s the most impressive thing you’ve made?

JB: I’ve made pasta, meatballs, and sauce from scratch for my roommates and next-door neighbors.


HC: Are you the type of guy to wine and dine a lady???

JB: If I was into the girl I would definitely take her out. 


HC: What’s your favorite part about your hometown?

JB: I love Brooklyn because it definitely makes me stick out compared to other people due to my strong “Brooklyn accent.”


HC: Do you think you have middle child syndrome?

JB: Not really. I am definitely my dad’s favorite due to all of the fishing over the years.


HC: When did you start fishing?

JB: I started fishing when I was around two years old so I have been fishing pretty much my entire life. 


HC: Honestly, what will you miss most about being a Scranton student?

JB: I am going to miss the people here and all the lit parties/bars. 


HC: What do you intend to do with your last semester in school?

JB: I intend to lock up a job and finish up the semester strong.


HC: Have you ever tried riding the conveyer belt on third floor denaples????

JB: Nope I feel like that would be frowned upon otherwise I would for sure.


HC: Kanye or Wiz?

JB: Old Kanye was awesome. Jesus walks, Gold Digger, and Through the Wire are favorites of mine. 


HC: Favorite spot on campus?

JB: I love throwing a football around on the green when it’s nice out.


HC: Do you have any advice for business majors?

JB: I would recommend looking for internships early and making as many connections as humanly possible. It truly is who you know rather than what you know unfortunately, but it’s something I learned over time. 


HC: What has been your favorite class so far, or at least this year?

JB: My favorite class was Portfolio Management with Dr. Ruddy. He’s an awesome teacher and really puts things into perspective. Definitely learned a lot in this class and more importantly I can bring what I learned into my future line of work. He also let us out early most classes, which we all loved. 


HC: What is your biggest accomplishment in your life so far?

JB: Winning a Fifa tournament freshman year.


HC: Who is your biggest idol?

JB: My biggest idol is definitely my dad. He came from absolutely nothing growing up and was able to build his own company and take care of his family at the same time. He truly does inspire me to push myself to become the best I can be. 


HC: Do you have a favorite quote you live by?

JB: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

Here is a rare photo of Joe after he met St. Nick this past Christmas!

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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so