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How to Be a Flawless Freshman: Farewell for Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

All of last semester we got a wonderful taste of what it’s like to be a freshman (which created startling flashbacks for some of us) through the eyes of our lovely blog writer, Miriam. However, as she moves on to bigger and brighter things (read as: more homework), we bid adieu to our favorite Flawless Freshman. But have no fear, great things are in store for the soon-to-be sophomore. Thank you, Miriam, for proving that freshman year has its flaws, but, as long as you embrace them, you’ll always come out on top. 

So, here are some parting words of wisdom from your resident underclassman: 

Friends, comrades, parents, brothers, sisters, teachers — the end of an era has arrived. I am putting down the pen, so to speak. It has been a pleasure to have a forum for my feelings (I do recommend it). If I had a readership, thank you, your eyes mean the world to me. And I hope you maybe even learned a thing or two.

The second semester is here. It’s overwhelming. I feel like I need to take a breath. If I can leave you with any word of advice it’s this: make sure to always take a breath. I know that I have been feeling way in over my head and you might feel that too. That’s ok. Try to enjoy the ride though. You know what they say — you’re only in college once.

Peace out.

Stay tuned for another exciting blog coming to you this spring! 

I can write better than you can eat a cactus.