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Career Goals: Cox Media Group Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

This is a PSA to all of my upcoming graduates and anyone who is mapping out a plan for their future career goals. With graduation being around the corner and the real world waiting for you right after, it would be very beneficial to have a great job greeting you as well. If you are interested in working in the media industry, Cox Media Group might be where you want to be.

Who is Cox Media Group you ask? Allow me to fill you in! Cox Media Group is essentially an integrated broadcasting, publishing, direct marketing, and digital media company. It is one of the leading direct marketing companies and a leading online source for savings. Cox owns media for companies and branches out to ownership in different markets such as newspaper, radio, and television. In Atlanta, GA they own the AJC newspaper, 104.1 Kiss FM, WSB-TV, and more!

What I think is so great about the Cox employment process is that they have a program, Cox Media Group Digital Talent Program, that gears towards making it a priority to hire millennials as a source for new ideas and ways to keep the company evolving!I mean how great is it that you could possibly work for a company who actually values your ideas and work instead of belittling your credentials and only asks of you to clock in, do what you’re told, and go home like most jobs do to people fresh out of college.


Nicole Trice, a  recruiter for the Digital Talent Program went into more detail with me about the process.

“As a part of the candidate selection process, we host an “interview blitz” normally within the first few weeks of November.  The candidates under consideration travel from all over the United States to participate.The DTP Ambassador would serve as a “buddy” to their assigned candidate, and tour guide during the interview sessions.  This is an excellent way to provide outreach to millennial diverse candidates, which is Cox company initiative,” Trice said.

Those who have gotten hired through the program have nothing but positive feedback to give. Not only are you working for one of the top media companies, but also a company that no-doubt wants you to advance and grow in the company!

Don’t sleep on your future folks! If you have any desire to be involved in the media industry, Cox Media Group just might be where you need to be.

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Danyelle Gaines

Georgia Southern

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.