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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.
Somehow, we’re already approaching halfway through the semester. Crazy, right? Unfortunately, this also means that for most of us, midterms are right around the corner. Don’t let midterms get the best of you this semester. Here are some tips to help you crush your exams.
1. Make a Schedule
Creating a study schedule ensures that you won’t procrastinate until the night before your exam. Check your syllabus to see what you’ll need to spend time studying. Then plan out how much time you need to spend each night studying for each class. It may seem like a lot to do, but scheduling study times means you’re doing a little bit a day instead of a whole lot all at once. You’ll feel so much better spreading out the work than cramming the night before.
2. Compare Notes
Have a friend in your class? Make a date to study together. Chances are, your friend will have a better understanding of some topics than you do, and you’ll understand others better than they do. It can be really helpful to go through topics together to help each other be more prepared. Also, if your notes aren’t the best, looking at a friend’s can help refresh your memory on different topics.
3. Go to Office Hours
Still feeling lost? Make an appointment to see your teacher during office hours. Even if you’re struggling a lot in a class, seeing a professor one-on-one can put you ahead of your classmates, because you’ll get advice directly from the person who made the test. This really helps because they can tell you exactly what to expect: what will be covered, what material to study extra, and the best ways to prepare.
4. Find a Study Sanctuary
Maybe your bed isn’t the most effective place to get studying done. Finding a good study spot can help you be more productive and in the zone. If you’re easily distracted, the library might be the best place to focus. Or, since it’s been so nice out lately, why not bring your books outside? 
5. Get Some Sleep
Getting your studying done is important, but it’s even more important to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t overwork yourself! Having energy during the day is essential to doing well in your classes, especially on exam days.
Freshman studying English at RU. Lover of dogs, knitting, books, cereal, and sweaters.