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10 Tips to Finish Off the Semester Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.


It might seem fast but finals are only around the corner, gals. Which is why we here at Her Campus have assembled 10 easy steps you can take to end the 2015-2016 school year on a high note and with a higher GPA!


1. Productively procrastinate

This may sound counterintuitive but hey, I promise it works. It’s natural to not want to start your work right away and I know you’re just looking at cat pictures on Tumblr so here is my alternative; search through the Studyspo tag. You can also do this on Instagram. On there you’ll find tons of inspiring stories on loads of different studying techniques and an array of perfect studying pics meant to motivate you to do more.


2. Go to the Rec

Yeah, working out might be the last thing to do when you have 8 assignments due tomorrow and an exam in between, but trust me, nothing helps you focus more than a quick workout. Working out relieves stress which will help you focus later when you’re writing and studying. So don’t skip leg day!


3. Starting jammin’ with your planner

Remember that syllabus you got the first day of class? Well whip it out. You’ll need all of your important due dates for assignments and exams in front of you when you write down everything in your handy dandy planner. This might seem overwhelming to look at everything due, but once it’s written down it only becomes that much easier to visualize and to plan ahead.


4. Make a list and check it twice.

Before sitting down to study always make a short list of everything you want ot accomplish in one sitting. Clear and accessible goals are key.


5. Catch some Zzzzzs

Avoid burn out by giving yourself and your brain a much-needed recharge!


6. Plan the day from dawn to dusk.

Organizing your time is where most people fall short. This can be made easier with apps like Forest, Wunderlist, and, Pomodoro.


7. Become BFFs with your professors

You should already be going to them post-lecture if you have any questions over the material but it’s not too late. Go in now with questions about assignments and exams and 90% of the time they’ll be helpful.


8. Learn to say “no” to friends

I know you want to go to Fuego at 11 pm with your friends but when you have a 9 am exam tomorrow it’s wise to give them a rain check. As a student your main job is simple, go to school and get good grades. At least it should be. This doesn’t mean become a hermit for the month of April and into May. It just means that school is your priority and should be treated as such.


9. Book that room in the Annex

Club Annex is lit 24/7. Book a room, bring along friends who motivate you to study or your group form class and hole up for a bit.


10. Take a deep breath and begin.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with every minute detail of your work. Take assignments step by step and go through your mantra, “What Would Elle Woods Do?”.