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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

You know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers?” Well, this post is here to tell you there can by “flowers” in April too. April can be a hectic month for college students with many projects, tests and end-of-the-year events. But to be quite honest, April is probably one of my favorite months. Spring is here in full force and the mood is bright. The school year is coming to an end and summer is in sight!

7 Cool Things About April: 

1. The birthstone for April is a diamond. 

2. April is National Humor Month. 

3. The flower for April is the sweat pea. 

4. April means “to open”. 

5. April is the season of spring cleaning. 

6. Professional baseball begins in April and The Boston Marathon is held. 

7. April is the most popular month to be named after. 

May might be the beginning of summer, but April has its perks too. So…have a laugh, take in the nice spring air and enjoy this wonderful month!