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Things I’ve Learned My Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

As my freshman year here at UMass comes to a close, (HOW?!) I can’t help but reflect back on the year I’ve had. I remember starting it off by crying when my parents left and feeling like I would never make friends and now ending it with a solid group of BFFs.

Freshman year has definitely had its highs and lows, and if I could go back and do some things differently I would. Overall though, it was absolutely amazing and introduced me to so many new people, places, and opportunities. Packing up my room and saying goodbye to everyone I’ve met so far is going to bring tears (a lot of them) and sadness, but I can’t wait for sophomore year to start and for my journey at UMass to continue.

For all incoming freshman and anyone else looking to make their next semester here the best one yet, here are just a few things I’ve learned this year: 

1. Who you were in high school doesn’t matter in college

The beauty of coming to college is that nobody here knows you. You can totally reinvent yourself if you want and begin to try new things and hang out with new people! You don’t have the memories and perceptions of people from high school holding you down anymore and you’re free to be the you you want to be!

2. The Freshman 15 is real

Try to stay away from getting late night too often and really focus on keeping yourself healthy. As I’m walking around Berk I like to imagine what a meal I would eat at home would look like and try to recreate it there. Meat, veggies, and a small amount of starch is always good. It’s okay to get pizza and to treat yourself when you want it, but remember, everything in moderation,

3. It’s okay to not be best friends with your roommate

Although it might seem like the end of the world if you don’t click with them, trust me when I say it’s not. Find a solid group of friends to hang out with and you will be okay. You’re just sharing a room for a year and then it’ll all be behind you! 

4. Don’t let dumb boys make you sad

They’re not worth your time or your tears. (Or your drunken text messages). 

5. Nobody cares if you eat alone in the dining hall

It might seem like the most embarrassing and lonely thing at first, but honestly nobody cares or is watching you. If you’re hungry, go eat! Nobody is going to judge. 

6. If you want to do something, GO FOR IT! Don’t be too scared to give new things a try

My biggest regret this year is not joining a sorority because I was worried I wouldn’t get a bid and I wouldn’t have time to handle it. Seeing and hearing from other people how fun it is now makes me regret not just going out there and giving it a try. Don’t let this be you and just try everything you want to try! 

7. Keep in contact with your parents

I promise that a phone call with mom or a quick trip home (if you’re close enough) can make all the difference in the world on those stressful, lonely days.

8. Give the gym a try! 

It may seem intimidating at first, but it’s really not! Group fitness classes are also a great, fun way to get your work out in! I highly recommend Zumba with Bobby! 

9. Never drink the jungle juice

No need to explain this one… just don’t. 

10. Focus on your grades and school work

It’s hard to get caught up in the social aspect of college as you’re always with your friends, surrounded by parties, and can be easily distracted, but try as best as you can not to. Remember why you’re actually here and take the initiative to get work done. 

11. It’s okay to be alone sometimes

Sitting alone in the Procrastination Station or in the common room of your dorm is actually kind of relaxing. You don’t need to be with people every second of the day to be happy, and sometimes just enjoying time alone is what is most needed.

12. Don’t let other people’s opinions of you change your opinion of yourself

Screw the haters! If somebody wants to judge you and bring you down then they are not worth your time. You do you and you be you no matter what anybody else thinks. 

13. Have fun! 


Make the most of the year! Go out to parties, hang out with new friends, have a movie night, try the cafes, takes walks into town, do anything you want to do! Trust me when I say the year goes by in the blink of an eye— don’t let it pass by with regrets!

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Class of 2019 journalism major at UMass Amherst! Absolutely love makeup, fashion, and everything in between.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst