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How to Stay in Touch Over the Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Sometimes in the flurry of the semester ending, finals and packing I forget that I’m saying goodbye to my friends for three months. But in the age of technology, we have a multitude of methods for staying in contact no matter the distance. Here are some tips on how to stay in touch over the summer so you can seamlessly pick up where you left off when the next semester commences.

Call or Facetime

Texting is maybe one of the most impersonal ways of communicating. Instead, call or Facetime to switch it up this summer. Texting may keep the conversation going but actually hearing each other’s voices will create more of a bond than quickly sending an emoji.


Keep the contact going throughout the summer with your social media accounts. Whether it’s an ugly Snapchat of yourself after a long night out or a direct message of a ridiculous Instagram from “thefatjewish,” keep your friends laughing and share things you both enjoy.

Send a letter

Writing a letter or sending a postcard is so underrated. Receiving something in the mail feels more special and thought-out than a causal text. This summer, send a postcard from your family’s vacation spot or a letter about your day and surprise your friends with real mail.


If you don’t live too far or want to make the trip, visit your friends this summer. Nothing is the same as actually spending real in-person time together, so plan for a weekend that works for everyone and get together before you’re back on campus.

With so much to look forward to this summer, don’t let yourself forget about staying in touch with the people that get you through the year.