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5 Ways to Not Get Overwhelmed in the Upcoming Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

As we dive back into the next school semester, it can be exciting coming back to your home away from home and reuniting with all your friends. However, with a new school year comes new classes, and new stressors. Some see syllabus week as a fun, assignment-free week to catch up with friends, go out, and do absolutely nothing. Others see it as just the beginning to a very overwhelming year. I had an amazing first week back at school, but that didn’t stop me from freaking out at my dense syllabuses for my four difficult classes. Not to mention the heavily packed calendar for job commitments, events for organizations, and a social life. But there are a few key things you can do to try to stay somewhat sane in this busy upcoming semester!

1. Use a planner and/or calendar.

      As simple as this sounds, I cannot stress enough how much easier life can be if you use a planner and calendar. It’s unbelievably helpful to write down all the hectic things going on in your life. Put your assignments, work schedule, social events, and any meetings you have in the appropriate boxes. Being organized and on task will make you feel more calm and put together! 

2. Work out / Get active.

      Whether you do a vigorous, cardio-intensive workout, or a mom-walk around campus, getting active has been scientifically proven to make you happy! I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but exercise releases endorphins, the hormones that essentially make you feel happy. If you find your mind too busy, working out is a great way to relax and release your negative energy. 

3. Plan specific “me time” in your schedule.

      Make a point of blocking out certain times in your busy day to do absolutely nothing! Plan to sit in bed and watch Netflix, take a bubble bath, or nap. Take some time to do whatever makes you feel the most calm and happy. It proves to be very beneficial to have alone time to relax on your own and collect your thoughts. I also plan to keep about 30 minutes free before I go to sleep. This time is essential for me to wind down, especially if I was just doing homework. I usually watch a Netflix show or catch up on my phone. By doing so, my mind is much less busy and I can fall asleep easier.

4. Always surround yourself with and spend time with the people that are most important to you.

      Make sure you reserve time to hang out with your friends, more specifically the friends that are important to you. I find that my friends are the people that pick me up the most when I need it. So pro tip; don’t waste your time on those who don’t put the time and effort into you. Spend time with people who make you laugh and the people who make you genuinely happy.

5. Focus on the positive and set goals.

      This sounds easier said than done, or maybe it just sounds trite. But if you spend your time focusing on what’s wrong and not what’s right, you won’t make any progress in de-stressing. Try to hone in on what’s going right at the moment. Also, make a point of setting goals for yourself. That way, you always have something you can work toward accomplishing. Trust me, it’ll pay off in the end!


Fairfield, Connecticut Elon University, Class of 2019