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8 Ways to Embrace the Fall Vibe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Fall is here, and that means cool weather, beautiful scenery, football and the feeling that everything is fresh and full of potential. It always passes too quickly, and I am left looking at the feet of snow that have accumulated, wondering how I let another gorgeous autumn go by without feeling like I appreciated it enough. So, if you’re like me and never feel like you really make the most of fall, here are some ways to get into the season this year!

1. Buy the drink

Yeah, you know the one. Even though people make fun of getting Pumpkin Spice Lattes, or whatever fall specialty drink you go crazy over, do it anyway! There’s nothing better than sipping on something tasty and festive and feeling warm down to your toes. What feels more in the season than crisp air on your cheeks and a PSL in your stomach?

2. Be active outdoors

There is arguably no better season weather-wise than fall, so why not make the most it? It is beautiful with the changing leaves and beautiful colors, so go for a walk or a run, go biking, hike a trail or even just take the scenic route to class!  

3. Light some candles

I LOVE fall-scented candles. From cinnamon to pumpkin to pine, lighting one of these just puts you in a fall mood. Plus, if you get out the candles, you might as well have a little fall bubble bath, and let’s be honest, that sounds amazing.

4. Have a bonfire

Bonfires always remind me of fall, and they’re a good chance to get everyone together and enjoy a beautiful night before it’s too cold to go outside. Everyone bundles up, gets cozy by the fire, maybe even with some hot chocolate, and you always end up laughing the night away.

5. Carve a pumpkin

This is such a fun activity, especially to do with friends! Get everyone together, carve some pumpkins, and you’ve got the perfect way to make a fun decoration that has an extra festive, homemade touch!

6. Put on a comfy sweater

Fall clothing is a must, and tossing on a cute sweater or scarf always makes me feel like autumn is in the air, especially when the season really kicks into high gear, and there are people wearing sweaters galore. Everyone looks cozy and relaxed, and feeling nice and warm in your big comfy sweater is sure to bring you tons of autumn joy.

7. Go all out for Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and there is nothing else that captures the season’s spirit like this holiday. Between making caramel apples, eating Halloween goodies, dressing up for a themed party, Halloween can be so fun! As the holiday creeps up, there are even tons of movies on and decorations to put up that can put you in the spirit before Halloween arrives!

8. Read a book outside

Something about fall makes me feel thoughtful, maybe because it means that school has started up again. Whatever the reason, reading a book outisde when the leaves are changing, and the weather is cool is one of my favorite things to do. So, take a book, take a walk and find a nice bench or somewhere with a view of the gorgeous scenery and disappear for a little bit. There’s something about reading a book in nature that feels like magic!

So this year, you should have no excuse for getting to the winter season and realizing that autumn passed you by! Throw on your sweaters, grab a hot chocolate and get ready for fall, collegiettes!



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Emily is a sophomore at the University of Iowa studying Communication Studies and Event Planning. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and her plans for her future are to simply eat so many waffles she becomes Leslie Knope.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.Â