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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Dear America,

This country is all I have known. My parents were born and raised on American soil, just as their parents were. All my life I have hailed the red, white and blue, while unknowingly being indoctrinated with nationalist and capitalist ideologies. I carried them for most of my life, constantly relishing in the immense pride I held for being an American. But those feelings came crumbling down today as Donald Trump was named our 45th President of the United States. I truly cannot begin to express the overwhelming feelings of sadness and anger that are jumbled into my heart, but here is my most genuine attempt.

Donald Trump is a white, upper class businessman who ascribed his social status from his parents. His privilege allowed him the opportunity to receive a high-quality education and land a powerful job in business. He is infamous for his Trump Tower, which was built by illegal immigrants who were not paid a living wage, and similarly for his reality television show, The Apprentice, which provided him with the platform to exercise his heightened masculinity.

Although Trump is considered to be successful in the business world, his qualifications for POTUS are far from sufficient. Throughout his campaign, he has willingly admitted to not paying his taxes and has made crude sexual remarks pertaining to women. He has removed minority protestors from his political rallies as they were belligerently attacked, verbally (with profanity and racial slurs) and physically.

Moreover, Trump has not presented a policy that is logical and sustainable. He has failed to adopt any socially liberal platforms, such as the support of women’s reproductive rights and gay marriage, simply to name a few. In fact, Trump’s blatant lack of human decency skews his perception of the minority, which furthers his efforts to marginalize them out of our social circles. Donald Trump has done nothing but degrade any individual who deviates from his white, middle-class norm. He has continuously divided the human race into that of hatred versus empathy, scapegoating versus compassion.

Oppression will cease to be acknowledged. Inequalities will fail to be combatted against. America’s progress will rapidly digress to the social and political structures our forefathers fought to eradicate.

This is not my America. This is not the America that my father and grandfather fought to protect. This is not the America that our founding father’s desired to create. This is not the America that I voted for. This is not the America that I advocate for. This is not the America that I desire to be part of. This is not my America.

However, wallowing in pity and remaining passive and complacent is not the way to create social change. We have to stand up and fight stronger than ever. Violence only perpetuates the hatred. We must rise up in the way of peace and love. We must defend our brothers and sisters who represent various minority groups. We have to demand the upholding of their rights and freedoms and fight to ensure that they see justice. As a nation, we truly are stronger together.

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.