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APEX Reveal: Through A Leader’s Eyes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Whether you have participated in it or not, you have heard of APEX here on Hawk Hill. This past Tuesday herds of students came piling into the chapel eagerly awaiting the unveiling of their Spring Break destinations. Sitting there waiting for the leaders to run in and announce this news is nerve-racking. Have you ever wondered what it felt like to be the one delivering this news? Meet Jessie Kerns, a brilliant and vivacious Junior Biology and Art Major who is going to give you an insight into her wonderful world as an APEX leader.

1. HC: What made you want to be an APEX leader?

JK: I decided to apply to be a leader because of the impact this program has had on my life. I thought of how amazing it could be if I could give back to the program as much as it has given back to me. I wanted to inspire others. The amazing people I met along the way left me wanting to go back the moment I left! Besides, the Appalachian region is beautiful!

2.  HC: How did you prepare for APEX so far?

JK: The leaders have been working hard to prepare for APEX 2017 since May of last year! We’ve had weekly meetings, lunch dates, soul cycle (we learned we all are very out of shape), and a leader retreat during fall break. There have been lots of laughs, reflection, and a few tears. We are all so excited for APEX 2017!!

3.  HC: What are a few good qualities that you see in your fellow leaders?

JK: I cannot stress enough that this group of leaders is full of amazing and compassionate people. The leaders are genuinely good people, there is no other way to say it. My co (BRETT DAILY WOOHOOO) is an amazing person and I truly believe we compliment each other really well. He is extremely fun-loving and lighthearted, therefore, I am beyond excited to be leading a group to Deer Lodge, Tennessee with him this March.

4.  HC: How were you feeling before reveal?

JK: I was a bundle of emotions between excited, nervous, and a little scared!! I honestly thought I was going to pee my pants in front of all 500 people in the chapel.

5.  HC: What were you feeling during APEX reveal?

JK: It honestly is a huge blur, I kinda blacked out. I remember forgetting how to Juju on that beat and I looked over at Brett and we both were kinda like Uuhhhhhhh what do we do now?! And then finally we figured out where we were in the song! It was an incredible experience.

6.  HC: How did your first meeting go?

JK: It was awesome!! Brett and I are really excited about our group, we can tell everyone is amazingly unique and will contribute different things to the group. It just made Brett and I more excited!!

7. HC: How did you feel once you got home from reveal?

JK: I was on an APEX high and I still am. I haven’t been able to sleep because I’ve been so excited.

8.  HC: Overall, how excited are you for Spring Break?

JK: Excited is an understatement. If you could imagine infinity and then multiply that by infinity squared and then add one, that still wouldn’t be enough to tell you how excited I am.


Congrats to everyone who is embarking on this journey that we call APEX, and Jessie we cannot wait to see the amazing things you are going to accomplish in Deer Lodge, Tennessee.

HCXO, Mary