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6 Things to Get Rid of For A Fresh Start in the New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

With 2017 quickly approaching, we are have the opportunity to change things in our lives in order to have an even better year than the last one. Whether it’s creating some New Year’s resolutions, or just tidying up your living space, there’s a lot that you can do to organize and declutter your life. So get rid of your clutter and all sources of negativity to give yourself a fabulous start to your new year. Cheers!

Get rid of…

…your nonexistent sleep schedule. Start being consistent with your snoozing time.  Have your head hit your pillow within the same hour every night, and set your alarm to blare at around the same time every morning.  Of course on weekends, you can tell your alarm to give you an extra hour, or two, or three.

…those beat up, jungle juice covered shoes.  You know, it’s that go to pair that you throw on for frat parties, because you don’t care what gets stuck to the bottom of them.  While you’re at it, take your nice shoes and boots to the shoemaker.  I do this every year, and this allows me to keep my five year old leather boots looking brand new.  The shoemaker will put new heels and soles on your shoes and polish them.   You would never believe that they’ve suffered several trips through the slushy streets of Pittsburgh during winter.

…the stale makeup you have lying around.  Makeup does not last forever, and think about all of the bacteria-eww! Throw out the old and unused stuff, glitter liner included, and then you can treat yourself to some new high quality cosmetics.  

…those old documents and presentations that are taking up space on your computer.  Now that the semester is over, delete the excess assignments on your laptop. Not only will you have more space, but also an easier time searching through your computer when you need to find things. The pictures that you took on your phone of the assignments your professor wrote on the board need to be deleted, as well. 

…the out of date flyers pinned to your bulletin board. The only flyer that is acceptable to keep is the one from our Her Campus Night Out, because memories! Other than that, create space on your board so that you can actually utilize it and keep track of events.  

…textbooks that you will most likely not look at again. If that sign language class did not end up working out for you, sell the textbook. This will give you more space for storage and more cash for the next stack of books you have to get.

I hope you have a fantastic year. Make it yours, and stay organized!

Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Corinne is a junior at the University of Pittsbugh studying German and Public & Professional Writing. She is a sister of Kappa Delta and enjoys spending her summers boating on Pittsburgh's rivers.
Hi! I'm Jessie and I am currently dual majoring in communication and non-fiction writing at The University of Pittsburgh. I am also the Senior Editor for Pitt's Her Campus! I emulate everything Carrie Bradshaw and can watch Breakfast At Tiffany's everyday for the rest of my life. You can usually find me blasting country music a little too loud while wearing a floppy hat.