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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

New Year’s resolutions may seemingly appear redundant and unessential, arbitrary goals we rarely ever realize and yet, setting yearly goals and/or solely thinking about what one wishes to accomplish in any given years seems paramount. A new year grants us with a new beginning, a fresh start free of self-imposed limitations or discontentment from years past. Although, one single individual cannot (and arguably, should not) deviate from one extreme to the other in a condensed period of time, change and self-betterment are indeed healthy components of life. Yes, of course, change is a slow, lengthy process. It may even appear sluggish and/or possibly stagnant, but human beings are fully capable of bringing about healthy life changes if their will supersedes their pessimism and tentative restraint. With that being said, here a couple of my own personal goals for 2017- some of which I may accomplish with ease and grace, others may prove far more challenging.

1. Earn all A’s this semester

Not solely because “I want to” but because grades also serve as the markers of hard work, passion and optimism.

2. Make others feel ‘good’

Certain individuals are leery and/or anxious regarding what changes 2017 may bring about and what uncertainties lie in the future. Therefore, one of my chief goals is to go out of my way to help ease people’s pain and/or suffering. Life is quite challenging indeed, full of unexpected roadblocks and withstanding obstacles. Through kindness, empathetic understanding, and an optimistic, appreciative attitude, I hope to ease the daily struggles of those around me, facilitating their path towards success and self-fulfillment. By simply making others feel ‘good’ (appreciated, optimistic, happy, etc.), I hope to bring light into the lives of the people I love. At the very least, I hope to reassure others that I will always remain sympathetic, helpful and kind. 

3. Challenge myself

Simply put, I hope to stretch my self-imposed limitations of years past and do things outside my comfort zone. Embark on new adventures or simply accomplish little goals here and there that I would have been fearful  and/or anxious about in the past. Grow, learn reflect upon my newfound experiences in an efficient, reflective manner.

4. Let optimism triumph

In other words, let optimism supersede my inherent pessimism. 

On my personal, individualized growth journey toward happiness. Currently studying Applied Psychology and Spanish, pursuing a career in Social Work and Mental Health.  "You presume you are small entity, but within you is enfolded the entire universe" --Imam Ali ****strong opinions, weakly held****  
UIC Contributor.