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5 Ways to Save During Winter Quarter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

As college students, we are always looking for ways to make and save money. With these quick tips and tricks, you can get started this quarter.

1. Get a job on or off campus

By going onto http://www.cwu.edu/student-employment/student-employment you can look at all the jobs available for students on or off campus. All of these jobs are super flexible with your schedule and work around your classes. Plus, you have the option to take off quarters if you have a heavy course load. As well as the ability to choose not to work during summer, winter, or spring break! Which leaves lots of time for family, vacation time, and a chance to relax.

2. Sell some of the clothes you never wear anymore

A couple of ways you can get rid of your old clothes you never wear are by selling them to a small consignment shop, just like the one on Pine St. in Ellensburg, called Pink with Envy. This store is also a great place to find some new items for your closet. Through Poshmark, you can download the app and start selling your clothes from the comfort of your own home to people across America.

3. STOP buying coffee

Well we may think getting a coffee every day is great, because it tastes so good, but what we need to realize is how it is effecting our savings. A good idea to help save more money is to invest in a Keurig or coffee maker. Mixing up different coffee and creamer flavors is an awesome way to make your coffee still taste great, without the extra expenses or calories.

4. Put some money away each pay check

By putting 5, 10, 15, or 20 dollars away each check, it will make all the difference. All of that money will add up and accumulate over time. This money could be used in case of emergencies, important items needed, or saving to pay of those students loans later in life.

5. Budget your spending

A great way to make sure you are paying your bills or expenses each month is to budget them out. By making a budgeting chart, you are able to lay out what money is coming in, going out, and can be saved each month.

Keep in mind that sprng break is right around the corner, and who doesn’t want to go to Cabo? By using these tricks, hopefully you can find some ways to put away some extra cash through winter!

Her Campus CWU President and Writer Previous Her Campus CWU Events Director Current student at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Advertising, Sports Business, and Interdisplinary Honors I love writing about anything and everything! Politics, fashion, mental health, and many others! I hope to be able to utilize my skills/ endeavors from Her Campus, along with other clubs, organizations, and experience in order to pursue a career in PR.