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Meet HCUTRGV’s President: Victoria De Leon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTRGV chapter.

HC: What is your official title for Her Campus UTRGV?

I am a founding Campus Correspondent and President of Her Campus UTRGV. 

HC: How old are you and what are you majoring in? 

I am 21 years old and I’m majoring in Marketing. I will be graduating this May and commencement actually lands on my birthday this year so I’m super excited!

HC: What inspired you to start this chapter of Her Campus?

I got inspired to start a Her Campus chapter at UTRGV through the Her Campus website! I spent hours going through the site and eventually learned that you could apply to bring a chapter to your school. At that time I really wasn’t confident in myself so I just put it off for about a year or so, and at the start of this past fall semester Her Campus just kept resurfacing in my mind so I decided to take action! At the start of all of this I knew that I was going to need confidence, and strong communication and leadership skills, thankfully I had developed those skills and gained confidence in myself throughout that year of putting it off. 

HC: What else are you involved in on and off-campus?

I am a member and Secretary for the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at UTRGV. I also work on campus with the Marketing & Communications department and I get to go to events on and off campus and promote the university and get students excited about UTRGV. I love it! I’m also heavily involved in my local church! I am a leader for our young adult group, I lead a community group, and I am a pastoral assistant. I’m involved in a lot on & off campus but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world! I love everything that I do and that I’m apart of! 

HC: What keeps you going when things get hectic?

When things get hectic and stressful I remind myself about why I do everything that I do and what got me started. When I reflect on those thoughts, it keeps me motivated and it reminds me of my goals and it keeps me pushing forward. Nothing worth having comes easy, so keep it pushing! 

HC: How do you take time and relax (when possible)?

During the week it’s pretty hard to make that ‘me’ time because I’m always on the go and always have something to do, but I try to go to the gym at least 3 days a week in the evenings to destress myself. When my budget allows me to, I go shopping! Who am I kidding? Even when my budget doesn’t allow me to, somehow I always end up at the mall! I LOVE to shop! It’s so relaxing! 

HC: What have you learned the most in your time in college?

One of the most important life lessons that I’ve learned in college has been that everything happens for a reason. When I started college, I didn’t start off at UTRGV. I left the Valley for a year in a half. I wanted to get out of the Valley and experience what life was like outside of the 956. I completed my freshman year at a university about an hour in a half away from the Valley, and then my sophmore year I transferred to another university in the Central Texas area. I thought I was going to LOVE it. I was wrong. So wrong. I absolutley HATED it. I ended up coming home to the Valley, and started school at UTRGV (back when it was still UTPA), and it was literally the best decison I made for myself. If I didn’t come back home I would not be where I am today. I would not know all of the fabulous people that I know today that have impacted my life in such an amazing way! The point I’m trying to make is that everything happens for a reason and you have to embrace it. You may not be where you thought you’d be, but things have a funny way of working out! 

HC: Why is Her Campus important?

Her Campus is important because it’s an outlet for college students! The articles that are published on Her Campus are so relatable to college women and I love that! I don’t know of any other place on the internet that provides that for us!

HC: Do you have any advice for students getting ready to go to college or start a career?

My advice for students that are getting ready to go to college would be to do some soul searching. What do you want to do? Who are you? Who do you want to become? What are your dreams? Ask yourself those questions. Write down your goals. Go after your dreams cause they aren’t gonna come true on their own! My advice for those that are about to graduate college and start their career is to go for it! Apply to your dream company! Do everything you said you were gonna do! Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back (especially a guy!). Lastly, WERK IT GIRL! Make us all proud! 

Victoria De Leon is a senior at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Marketing. She plans to pursue a career in the fashion industry as a buyer. Fashion has always been something that she loves and is deeply passionate about. One of Victoria's goals in life is to inspire women to dream big and go after those dreams. She wants to be an inspiration to all the women who grew up in a small town that anything you set your mind to is possible.