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Online Resources to Make College Bearable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

At SCAD we have a lot of wonderful opportunities to learn, but sometimes there just aren’t enough elective spaces for us to possibly learn all that we want to. But the great thing is that we have access to Lynda.com, which has literally saved my life this quarter. Whether it be music theory or coding, I have gone to Lynda and learned way more than I ever thought I could from online lessons.


As powerful women, I believe we should always be pursuing education and making ourselves as intelligent as possible – Lynda allows us to do this more than ever! So far I have taken a Video Editing course, a Music Theory course, and I am working on a course for coding right now. All three of them have been incredible and a really easy resource to make myself more diversified talent wise. Lynda is also a great resource to try out before you register for a class. Watch a couple tutorials on there and see if the topic is actually something you want to register for as your class. This will prevent you from discovering halfway through the quarter that you paid for a class you have no interest in.




Another great online resource is Care.com, which connects babysitters to families. This is a great way to pick up extra cash on the weekends to cover all those materials for projects. Setting up a profile is really easy and user friendly. They require a background check and give tips on safety to make sure that you are safe walking into the situations with people you don’t know.




Lastly, one of the best resources we have as young artists is Squarespace. For a very low price exclusively for SCAD students, you can build and design a website with easy to use tools that create a professional and aesthetically pleasing look. It’s really important as artists to have a powerful online presence that shows previous work. For Squarespace, you don’t need to have any experience in coding or design. I do suggest going in with a vision of what your personal branding is so that everything is cohesive. With Squarespace, they have premade templates that you personalize yourself. This gives it a professional look while still allowing you to add your own personalization.

