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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Most of the time, if you like someone, you can overlook the minor things they do that get on your nerves. But there are some things you just absolutely CANNOT look past. Sound familiar? Us girls have high standards for the men we date, we deserve the best of the best. There’s some things guys do that’s impossible to overlook, no matter how much you like them they have to get cut you of your life.


You go on your first date, you’re so excited right?! And he pulls up in a Prius. CUT. You deserve to ride in style.


He steps out of his nice ride and looks so bomb then you look down to find that he’s wearing Romeos. CUT. Flipflops. CUT. Or Crocs Ewwww no never crocs! CUUUUT.


When you can’t figure out what that terrible overpowering sent is and then you realize its coming from him. CUT. Your nose deserves better!


When he has so much body hair it looks like he could secretly be a werewolf. Cut him. He has to go.


You go on a cute date to the park for a picnic. How romantic! The he sees a dog and tells you how he hates dogs. CUT. Get out of there now! If you don’t like dogs, there’s seriously something wrong with you.


When he doesn’t get along with your family. My friends and family are the most important things in my life. If my dude can’t get along with them or break into spontaneous dance battles with them, I can’t be with him. Gotta cut him.


Let’s face it, guys are weird! But some are WAAAAY more outlandish that others. Ever have any of these experiences or deal breakers of your own? Comment them below!