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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We can all agree that BC housing is not something to celebrate and this time of year is one filled with great stress on campus. Every year groups of freshmen scramble to group together with eight of their “closest” friends in order to end up in the perfect eight-man. You talk of the tapestries and posters you will decorate the common room and the great snacks you will keep in the full sized fridge. Then that fated day comes and you get that e-mail that your group has not been given a pick time. You try for quads in Walsh: nope. You find that extra person on the Facebook group and go for a nine-man in Vandy: nice try! You hold out hope for 66 but that 6:30 P.M. pick time steals that away. Looks like it’s Coro for you. Do not fret! You are not alone! Here are five reasons to smile for Coro.

1. It’s Not Greycliff

Nobody wants to be stuck living in the isolated, infamous Greycliff. Originally, my pick time was so bad that it landed me a lovely “forced double” in this glorious building. So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to be moved into a double in Roncalli in late July before my sophomore year. So just remember, when you pull up to Coro on move-in day, Welch, Williams, and Ronc are not the worst dorm buildings that BC has to offer.

2. Close to Class

One of the biggest benefits to living on Coro is being able to roll out of bed minutes before class and still have time to pick up a light breakfast in Mac before your professor makes his first mark on the chalkboard. You will never have to deal with the masses of people waiting for the Maloney elevators. Also, squeezing in a nap between classes can become your new favorite trick.

3. Lines are always shorter in Mac

If you have ever tried to eat dinner in Lower at 6:30, then you know that the lines can be truly unbearable. I can tell you that you will not have to deal with that in Mac! You won’t have to plan your eating schedule around when the dining hall is busiest because, at the end of the day, with the exception of Eagle’s Nest, the lines in Mac are always manageable.

4. Starbucks

You will soon discover that up on Coro we have something great that those kids in their eight-mans don’t: Starbucks! We are spoiled enough to have a Starbucks on our way to classes. The Starbucks at On-the-Fly is one of the only places on/near campus to get good coffee.

5. Home

It’s safe to say that Coro is not an exceptionally rowdy place. Generally, there is not a lot of loud music playing and it is definitely lacking that distinct Walsh smell that we all know too well. This makes Coro a nice place to come home to at the end of the day. You and your roommate(s) can make your space cute and personalized. I promise that you will feel right at home in your traditional hall style room. (And hey, one more year of not having to clean your own bathroom!)

Honestly, the worst part of living on Coro may be the reaction you get from people when you tell them your housing assignment. Keep your head up and I promise you will enjoy it! Your social life will not suffer and you will get by without sharing a common room with seven other friends, I promise.










Alana is a Senior at Boston College studying Math and Economics. She spent a semester studying in London and traveling throughout Europe. A movie, music, and milk chocolate enthusiast she spends her time quoting Leslie Knope, tagging her friends in puppy instagrams, and taking pictures of her food.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.