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A Breakup Letter to Virginia’s Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Dear Virginia Weather,

I have lived in Virginia for a number of years and I like to think, for the most part, that I have become accustomed to your constant mood swings. However, I am beginning to get tired of your very selfish nature lately.

How could you do this to us?

You gave me sunny and warm days in February but as soon as March hit, you were like “put away those Spring clothes because here comes the snow!” In the past two weeks alone it has been 70 degrees one day and the next below freezing. I thought what we had meant something, but you keep disappointing me again and again. I don’t understand, was it something that I did?

I wish I could say, “It’s not you, it’s me.” However, this is all you. You make it rain on the days that I want to look put together, meaning that by the time I get to class my hair is unreasonably frizzy, my makeup is running down my face and my shoes are soaked. Do you not understand how much time I put into looking nice just have you ruin it with a snap of your weather-choosing fingers?

Do you think that I like being blown over by your moodiness in the wind? Well here is the answer, I don’t. As much as I love the fact that in the winter your snow brings my favorite message on my phone saying that class is canceled, I don’t like having to trudge across campus in the sleet, snow and rain just to get some food.

Your summers bring deadly heat, and your winters bring grueling cold while the intermittent seasons bring heaps of rain or lots of sunshine. The fact that you cannot make up your mind during the seasons and give us what we are supposed to get means that cold season is so much longer, which in college is the worst time of the year. So next time you think, “Oh, I think I will make it snow in Virginia today,” please check the calendar and make sure it’s the right season.



The girl who wishes you would make up your mind

Photo Credit: Cover 1 2 3

Autumn is a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Forensic Science with a concentration in Biology and minors in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry. She has an addiction to Starbucks and Panera Mac and Cheese and can usually be found with her nose in a book during her free time. She is also an active member of VCU's Rowdy Rams and the Forensic Science Student Club. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and hang out with her friends and family; including her beloved dog, Jake.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!