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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

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April is well upon us and the first week of May is getting closer, and closer… finals week. If your classes are anything like mine, you’re currently drowning in research papers, deadlines, exams and the ever so dreaded group projects. (Why are those still a thing in college?)

Nevertheless, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But, if you feel like you’re drowning, here are a few tips that will act as your life jacket.



Take short breaks during your grueling study sessions and hit the rec center or exercise right where you’re studying at. Exercising can help relieve stress, and help ease your racing brain. Not to mention it helps burn all those calories from all of the coffee and Red Bull you’re consuming this week.


Try your best to stay away from unhealthy food

Yes, this includes late night Taco Bell

Now, I know, this is easier said than done. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing better than a taco 12 pack from Taco Bell at 1am… but you’re not doing your body any favors. Fatty and sugary foods gives you a temporary “high” but it will result in a decline in your attention span. Try your best to eat some healthy snacks/meals, like fruits and salads, during your late night study session for your 8am final.


Stay Hydrated

No, not with alcoholic beverages… with water.

Dehydration can cause a killer headache which can ruin your motivation to study. Your brain performs better when it’s adequately hydrated.


“Treat yo-self”

No seriously, you deserve it.

Make sure you make time to relax before taking that big final exam. Treat yourself to a mani/pedi, or treat yourself to lunch at your favorite off-campus restaurant. It’s okay to treat yourself to something nice after studying your butt off.


Stop procrastinating

Quit creeping on your ex’s new significant other on Facebook, and get to studying

You’re not going to earn the grade you want if you continue to procrastinate and scroll through all of your social media timelines. All of that stuff will still be there when you’re done studying.


Keep a positive mind-set

“Keep on keeping on”

If you keep telling yourself that “there’s no point in studying because you’re going to fail this final anyways,” that’s more than likely going to come true. You have to keep telling yourself that you CAN do this. Staying positive will result in better exam performances.


Do not study in your bed

“Maybe if I just lay down while reading this assignment I’ll…… ‘Zzzz’…..”

We’ve all fallen a victim to falling asleep in bed while trying to study. Try to find a different place to study, away from your dorm room or your apartment. Go to the library, or that tiny coffee place down the road that down the street. Changing your studying environment will help your brain focus better. (And you’re less likely to fall asleep in the middle of a coffee joint.)



As cliché as it might sound, your body and mind does need rest. It has been proven by a million studies that cramming for an exam the night before does NOT increase your chances of doing well on the exam. Put the textbook down, turn your desk lamp off, and go to sleep.


We’re almost there, y’all. Just hang in there a little while longer!

(Unless you’re one of those brave souls who is taking summer courses. In that case, I’m sorry.)

Her Campus UK chapter Campus Correspondent. Senior at the University of Kentucky, majoring in journalism and minoring in information studies. If you see me around campus I'm probably rocking a messy bun with a large coffee in my hand.