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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

What are the definition of “friends”, to be precise? Let’s consider this sentence: More friends, the merrier. As the type of person that still finds socializing and making friends weaknesses within myself – perhaps lack of self-confidence and breaking through the comfort zone as lurking factors of personality – I consider that previous sentence my ultimate goal in life. Yet now, I hesitate. 1,500 friends on Facebook – sure, that’s quite a lot, but will I feel truly happy and satisfied if I make more and more friends?

Tbh, I do still want to make more friends and hoping to be more sociable in life, that’s no lie. I want to maintain a few deep friendships, that’s also no lie. Counting back to my childhood times up ’til my current status as an university student, I truly appreciate all of my friends whom I still talk and hangout with or those friends made in the past even though we are no longer keeping in touch. Now, just let me be honest and I would like to thank a few friends that I’ve encountered throughout my two decades of life so far.

Tbh, E… You’re so unique and it is really hard for me not to fall for your charisma. We have not known each other for long, but I guess I’m getting to know you more and I really value you as a special friend.

Tbh, H and J… All three of us are so busy yet I’m glad we can still spend precious lunch times complaining and sharing everything that’s happening in life. I really adore you both and thanks for the support all the way.

Tbh, K… You are really a busy dude, but I still find it shocking that we can talk on forever due to our endless mutual interests! Yet, you know I much I cherish you as my good friend and your presence is like a sunshine that brightens people surrounding you.

Tbh, M… I love you and I’m so happy to spend four amazing years of high school life in Japan with you. I cherish how much common interests we share regarding academics and hobbies.

Tbh, N… our one special mutual interest is enough to bond us tightly together from now on and into the future. You know I love you, and I really want to thank you for everything.

Tbh, S… things became complicated between our friendship, yet I still want to appreciate and adore you for your contributions regarding our friendship. I will not forget the advice that you gave me and I (think) I can still call you a good friend of mine?

The end. There are still lots of friends that I need to thank, yet I guess it’s not that important anymore regarding the number of friends that you truly have made. In your different stages of life, you make different types of friends along the way. Now, how would you define the meaning of friends?

Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.

This article was written by HC Waseda Guest Writer, Angela Chung.

Liberal Arts student obsessed with books, music, movies and all things creative. American, Japanese, and an honorary Canadian.