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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Hello senior year,

I think I waited my whole life to get to this moment; this phase in life. Six semesters done with one more to go. It might be a dream. Three years that felt like forever to get through. In reality I still remember what I did freshmen move in day, but if you ask me what I ate yesterday I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you. I’d say every year was my year, but this year feels different so I really believe it might be my year. With five classes, the school work is a normal work load.  I think I hand picked the right professors for this semester. I’ll get back to you on if it was really my semester in December.

But until then here’s why I am in school. As a young girl, I always knew I wanted to help people. I didn’t know how I was going to help people, but I knew that’s what I going to do. As the years went on and it was time to decide which field I wanted to go into, I picked psychology. Psychology is broad enough that I didn’t feel trapped in having to pick a concentration, instead I could focus on many. Eventually I never picked a concentration but I added two minors under my belt. I am in school with a major in psychology with two minors one in sociology and the other in women and gender studies. The ultimate goal is to go get my masters in social work or maybe criminal justice. It sounds like I am all over the place, I know, but everything that I’m learning in some aspect is leading towards my goal. My dream job is to work with people down on their luck, people that need the motivation to know that their past doesn’t define them. School stresses me out a lot and I’ve definitely thought about throwing in the towel many times, but I have people looking up to me and I also have wonderful roles models to look up too.

Senior year is also the year of being legal so there’s a plus. Last year, I’d watch majority of friends head out to the bar on a Friday night while I’d sit on my couch and watch Netflix. Now there’s no leaving me out of the festivities.


Senior Self