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#GrowingUpWithSiblings: The Struggle Is Real

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Ever wonder what life would be like as an only child? Yeah, same. Unfortunately, I got stuck with three brothers. Over the years we have fought, laughed, and cried with each other. If your siblings are anything like mine, your life is far from boring with them around. It has been quite the experience to say the least. 

There are a couple of things that only people with siblings understand. Here are a few struggles that we have all gone through at some point in our lives. 

1. Taking the TV clicker with you 

Photo by Sven Scheuermeier

You’re watching Hannah Montana when one of your siblings comes into the living room. If you have brothers, you will guard the clicker with your life because you know that if you walk away from it, chances are that Sports Center or ESPN will be on when you return. If you have sisters, then you probably don’t have to stress that much unless they’re Hannah Montana haters. You get up to go get a snack in the kitchen and what do you do with the clicker? Take it into the kitchen with you! You have make sure that you don’t accidentally leave it in the fridge or the pantry cabinet. 

Your siblings proceed to freak out because they want to watch their shows, but you still don’t know if Hannah/Miley picks Jake or Jesse! Oh well, you now have full control of the clicker. 

2. Calling shotgun

It starts off as an innocent trip out of the house. Then, things take a turn for the worse when your parents start letting you guys sit in the passenger seat. Voices screech out “SHOTGUN!” as you rush to get your shoes on, burst out the door and touch the door handle of the car seconds before your sibling. Elbows get thrown and slapping fights occur. If you don’t make it to the front seat, you will have to do the sad half-second walk of shame to the backseat. You sit in silence to make a point that you should have gotten front seat privileges. 

3. Family game night, AKA World War III

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

As kids, it is common to cheat when playing board games. It was like a natural instinct. You did not want to accept defeat, especially against a sibling. That is why most family game nights started out peaceful and fun. Your mom thought “Wow my kinds are amazing, maybe we will make it through the night without any tears or yelling.” Well, sorry mom, you thought wrong! 

Once someone accused the other of cheating, things spiraled out of control. Game pieces would be thrown at each other and the once peaceful night would end with everyone in their own rooms with the doors shut. Yikes!

4. “Oh you’re _______’s brother/sister?”

In some cases it gave you brownie points with the teacher, and in other cases it put you on the bad list with them. You would know which side of the spectrum you were on based on the way the teacher said it. If they said it with a higher pitch voice and a look of “Shoot, I thought I was done with this family,” then you can sign yourself up for the bad list. If they said it with more of an excited tone followed up by “I loved him/her” or “How is he/she doing?” then you knew you would be on their good side.

For me, my older brothers were good students (for the most part) and never really caused any issues. But because of that, I was also expected to be a good student (which I am) and to be good at other things (which I may not have been, but oh well). 

5. Surviving family events (holidays,vacations etc.)

We have all been forced to sit through different family holidays or go on vacations that no one wanted to go on but your mom just couldn’t let the deal pass. 

For me, surviving family events wasn’t hard because all of my cousins were close and we struggled through holidays and vacations together. But for those of you who have awkward family members and distant cousins, I feel bad for you. Siblings are friends in these situations. They gossip with you about family members or about how much you just want to go home. 

6. When you need something… You call or text them 

There have been several times where my brothers and I have texted or called one another because we need a ride or help with homework. If you are in your room and all of the sudden get hungry knowing that they are about to walk up the stairs, you text them to get you a snack. Most of the time they actually come up with a snack in hand for you. 

Aside from food, rides and homework, a lot of siblings text, call and shout to each other to bring them toilet paper! I thought it was just something that my family did but then I realized that it is basically a universal thing to do all because mom didn’t leave extra TP in the bathroom. 

At the end of the day, no matter how often you get annoyed with your siblings or the struggles that you go through, remember to hug them & thank them for being them! 

I'm Natalie Prisco and I am a Senior at the University of Rhode Island majoring in Kinesiology on the Physical Therapy track. I am one of the Campus-Correspondents at URI. In my free time you can catch me going to the gym, hanging out with friends or binge watching Netflix.