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10 Reasons Why Dogs Make Your Day Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

You’ve had a bad day, and nothing seems to be making it better. All you need is something to lift your spirits. Thankfully, you have a furry friend to come home to!

Whether it’s your own dog, or a dog you happened to see and couldn’t resist petting– any pooch is sure to make your day. 


1.They’re always happy to see you 

2. They’ll never leave you alone 

3. They each have personalities of their own and you can meme them 24/7

4. They’ll always catch any food you drop, they’re basically living vacuums. 

5. They let you cuddle with them 

6. They’ll do funny tricks that make you laugh. If you give them a treat, OF COURSE. 

7. You can dress them up in adorable costumes that are sure to put a smile on your face

8.You can talk to them and they’ll never tell your secrets

9.They have unconditional love 

10.They’re a great distraction 

If you know me, you know I believe we don’t deserve doggos and I follow basically every corgi account possible. Having a bad day? Hug a dog.

Cover Image:http://coolsandfools.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/dogs-in-glasses-4.jpg