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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Finally, the most delicious part of the year is here! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year, but is also the most challenging holiday for myself and those trying to stay on track of their fitness goals. Not only are you forced to listen to your aunt tell you that your hair looks better long for the tenth time, but there’s also an overabundance of delicious food everywhere. On top of that, with traveling, family parties and last minute shopping, hitting the gym gets delayed or even taken off the schedule completely. If I’m flying home to see my family, I put the gym at the bottom of my to do list. Compared to spending time with my mom while she cooks and cuddling up to watch a movie with my boyfriend, the gym doesn’t stand a chance.

So! I am here to alleviate your guilt about not working out or eating perfectly this Thanksgiving (because screw that). Family, friends and food outweigh your need to go run on a treadmill for 2 hours any day. If one healthy meal doesn’t make you skinny, then I promise that one bad meal isn’t going to make you fat. BUT, if you’re still worried about some of the guilt that comes with your thanksgiving meal, here are some surefire strategies to stay a little more active and healthy during this delectable time of year.

Instead of your Aunt Lisa passing the mashed potatoes to you, get on up and out of your seat and reach for them yourselves. You’ll burn more calories by getting out of your seat; and if you stand there for a sec, you’ll probably reach your stand goal on your apple watch. Just remember to scoop enough mashed potatoes for you to make a hole in the middle for the gravy to find it’s holiday home.

Get your veggies in! My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my mom’s green bean casserole (mmmmmm) and if your family is anything like mine, we add an entire Costco pack of bacon into there. All of the extra bacon grease will hide the fact that you’re sneaking some healthy feasting in.

You don’t want to feel like a pig on Thanksgiving, so just eat it instead! Honey, honey baked ham is not even questionable as a must have. And you are what you eat, so by the end of dinner (and all that sangria) you’re gonna be just like this adorable twerking pig. I mean I’m down, just look at her.

After that scrumptious, diabetic dinner, it’s time for that dessert baby. Pumpkin pie is the only kind of pie I like, so there is no way I’m not having a piece. However, instead of letting your mom cut a piece for you, grab that knife and slice a piece for yourself to get an extra upper arm workout. If pumpkin pie isn’t for you and you’re trying to be a little healthier, go for pecan pie! Those caramelized pecans have a little extra protein in there for ya.

Now I hope these tips help you have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

No, I’m just kidding guys! My point here is to tell you that it’s okay to indulge for a day. Don’t neglect the time with your family and friends because you’re bitter about not working out or eating healthy that day. If you’re living a healthy lifestyle outside of Thanksgiving, then let yourself have that day to indulge. Pour some wine, get drunk with your family and enjoy your mom’s homemade turkey and stuffing that she worked all day to make.

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I grew up in Long Beach, California and made my way to Oahu to achieve my degree in Kinesiology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I plan to pursue a career in the sports medicine field as either an athletic trainer, sport performance trainer or to work within the fitness tech industry. I have an overwhelming passion for fitness and health, playing competitive sports throughout my life has instilled the importance of one's physical and emotional well-being and fueled my desire to study and practice healthy living in my everyday life. I am president of my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and one of my main goals is to ensure each one of my sisters is healthy mentally and emotionally throughout their college experience. Outside of my sorority, that's equally my goal in writing this column for you guys. There is so much importance in remembering to put your physical and mental health first and my hope is that my writing can help instill that into each of your lives as well!
Lena is a student at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. She is pursuing a Communciations degree with a focus in Digital Media, as well as dual minors in Business and English. In her free time, she loves being president of her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and snorkeling on the weekends!