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How to Survive as a NARP (Non-Athletic Regular Person)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

So you just finished your last game of the season and it’s your senior year. You’ve cried a little – maybe a lot – and you’ve exchanged hugs and well wishes to those younger on the team. But now it’s Monday morning. You will no longer be expected at morning workouts, out-of-season open gyms and team meetings. Everything you do and every mistake you make is no longer pegged to an entire group of people. You are free but you’ve lost a piece of your identity, you are a NARP. Here are five ways to survive as a Non-Athletic Regular Person.


Take a nap, join a club, or actually read that book for class… Now that you are no longer spending hours a day in the gym, a few hours a week in the weight room, or going on five-hour roundtrip bus rides to Wisconsin, you probably have more time on your hands than you’ve had in years. This is a good thing! Join that small campus club you’ve always looked at from afar, actually get all your homework done before two A.M., or simply hang out with your friends. You deserve this.

     2.    REST YOUR BODY

Now, I may be wrong, but I don’t think God designed our bodies to be jumping up and down on hardwood floors for 13 years. Take a couple days off. Allow those dense muscles to soften and let your bones and tendons recover. Do some yoga when you’re ready to start working out again, but most importantly, take it easy.

    3.     TREAT YO SELF

Go get a pedicure and say yes to the callus removal! Chop your hair off without having to worry about if you can still put it in a ponytail! Wear those heels out without worrying you’ll twist an ankle before a tournament!


You no longer will have to miss half of your classes in a term to go to tournaments or games! Your professors will actually get to know you for your work instead of being the girl that reminds them they won’t be in the first three classes of the year.


Obviously, you want to stay healthy, some even want to stay in tip-top shape, but you no longer have to be conscious of how much you’ll be running later and if you’ll throw up that BBQ Chicken Pizza you ate for lunch. 

Maissie is currently studying English, Creative Writing, and Theatre Arts at Augustana College, where she is a writer for the on campus chapter of Her Campus. You can also see her leading as co-captain of the varsity volleyball team and watching Bob's Burgers with her sisters of the local social sorority Chi Omega Gamma. Her writing can also be found for the Augustana Observer's sports section.
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