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10 Inspirational Photos & Tips to Create Amazing Study Notes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

It’s that time of year again – and sadly no, I am not talking about the holidays – exam season is upon us and the stress is real. As the term comes to an end, the time has come to start thinking about finals and preparing yourself to do the best you can over the next few weeks. Step one comes down to making notes and that can be a challenging task – but have no fear, Her Campus is here! Check out these amazing study notes and some great tips to help you get the most out of your note-taking experience this term. Best of Luck on your exams Warriors!


1. Sunshinesstudy.tumblr.com

If you’re looking for a fun way to spruce up your notes let me just say that colour coordination makes everything better – and that even includes biology.


2. premedsanatomy.tumblr.com

This caption wins at everything because Reputation is such a great album – also a great study hack is: when you can’t find the motivation to do work, put on your favourite album and make it a fun time!  


3. Instagram.com/studyincafe

A great way to make studying fun is to use all kinds of markers and pens to make your notes neat and easy to read! I personally love to use the flair felt pens (https://www.staples.ca/en/Papermate-Flair-Felt-Tip-Pens-1-0mm-Tropical-V…) by papermate because of the amazing selection (and it doesn’t bleed through your paper!!)


4. study-brains.tumblr.com/

This diagram is everything – Adding pictures and hand-drawn diagrams will help you study so much! It’s just an added bonus that they make your notes look beautiful as well!  


5. mediocrestudyblr.tumblr.com

Structure is key – always make sure your notes are organized in a meaningful way so it makes it 100x easier to read and review later on! Whether you want to use headings/subheadings or different textboxes, try different colours for different topics – anything that works for YOU!  


6. Instagram.com/studywithinspo

Once again, the colour co-ordination makes an appearance (because it works people!!) This picture gives me major AHS vibes and I am HERE for it! Also, you can try experimenting your notes with washi tape in cool colours and styles because why not?  


7. Instagram.com/studyincafe

This Instagram account has amazing note inspiration that is totally worth checking out! A great tip from this post is to make headers fun by using ribbons and cool fonts – study notes don’t have to be boring unless you make them that way!  


8. studyingmood.tumblr.com

Colours, colours, and MORE COLOURS! When making your notes this term, try to incorporate colours as much as you can to help you and have fun with it. You can use them like they do in this picture – for anything from textboxes, diagrams, to headings, and arrows.  


9. older-butnot-wiser.tumblr.com

Try flashcards! Making notes is only part of the process – try making your notes in a way you can quiz yourself after, study cards are the quickest way to do that – and the best part is that you can design or decorate them in a fun way, it’s almost like a game of jeopardy for one – count me in!


10. sleepbreathestudy.tumblr.com

Keep it classic – if colourful notes and diagrams are overwhelming, don’t be afraid to go for a more simplistic approach. Studying success will only work if it’s the right fit for you so don’t shy away from your approach if it works for you as is!

Hey! I'm Kim, an undergraduate Health student at the University of Waterloo. I am passionate about health communication and policies, and I love making information beautiful & fun to read in all disciplines. My hobbies include watching Netflix, reading fictional novels - especially teen drama (there's no age limit on twilight), and buying stationery that I never seem to use. I hope you enjoy the content I've worked on, feel free to connect with me and let me know your thoughts!
Stephanie is a University of Waterloo alumni. In her spare time, she loves filming and creating YouTube videos. Check out her YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bizzarosmeszaros