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Foods To Include – And Completely Drop – In Your Diet While On Your Period

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Cramps. Bloating. Mood Swings. Fatigue. You know the deal. We all go through it, but what if I told you there is a simple way of decreasing these awful PMS symptoms? Just by being more mindful on what foods you take in during your period, you can lessen, or even completely get rid of, PMS symptoms! I did some research on the mighty web to find out some of the best – and worst — foods to eat while on your period.

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Leafy greens: Because we lose a lot of iron during our period, eating a lot of leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, and kale will help replenish all the iron that’s been lost! They’re also a great source of fiber, which will help get the digestive tract working the way it should be.  

Whole grains: Filled with many essential vitamins, whole grains are great for battling that awful fatigue you may feel while on your period. They also contain magnesium, which can help with relieve cramps!

Bananas: This is probably one of the best fruits you can eat while on your period because they’re filled with loads of potassium and B6, which can help reduce bloating and relieve cramps. Low potassium can cause more cramps, so be sure to add a banana or two into your PMS diet!

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Dairy products: Arachidonic acids – an evil enemy when it comes to PMS. These acids are in all things dairy, and they can intensify PMS cramps like crazy, so it’s probably best to stay away from it when it’s your time of the month.

Caffeine: Breast tenderness is honestly probably one of the worst PMS symptoms (aside from cramps). You literally have to make sure they don’t get bumped by anything, and working out can be a pain – literally. Reducing caffeinated drinks can really help reduce the amount of tenderness and pain you have in your breasts during your period. Drinking caffeinated beverages can also increase cramping, as it constricts the blood vessels in the uterus!  

Refined grains: Now don’t get these confused with whole grains. Whole grains can be a PMS holy grail, but refined grains can cause bloating and overall discomfort in your digestive tract. Stay away from white bread and white rice during this time, you’ll thank yourself in the long run!