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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

In the wake of Kylie Jenner’s baby reveal, stealing the Super Bowl with her “To Our Daughter” video, I began thinking about what I would tell my future daughter in a video dedicated to her. I settled for a list of 101 things I would teach my daughter:

  1. “Don’t focus on the if’s or you’ll miss out on the what is.”

  2. Sometimes the real thing looks cooler than pictures.

  3. Sometimes pictures look cooler than the real thing.

  4. You don’t always give clothes that you borrow back.

  5. There will always be another boy band.

  6. Sex and the City is a must-see for every generation.

  7. And Gossip Girl.

  8. And Gilmore Girls.

  9. It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.

  10. Reading is cool.

  11. Reading doesn’t always mean books.

  12. Put your hands up when you’re choking.

  13. One of a kind is the best.

  14. That goes for clothes and people.

  15. It doesn’t have to be Thursday for a throwback.

  16. Never ever let anyone tell you Spongebob isn’t a good show.

  17. Your anxieties will never disappear, do not hold yourself back because of it.

  18. Everything will be okay, just open the door and go inside.

  19. Go to the party.

  20. Come home from said party.

  21. Your friends should give you the same support you offer them.

  22. You do not have to tie yourself down.

  23. You do not have to say, “Haha, it’s okay,” when you know it’s not.

  24. You do not have to do everything with you friends.

  25. Learn to do things by yourself.

  26. You don’t have to be surrounded by people all the time.

  27. Being alone doesn’t mean you are lonely.

  28. It’s okay to feel lonely sometimes.

  29. Never forget how important your family is.

  30. Even if it’s a family you chose.

  31. Remember you are loved.

  32. Send letters.

  33. It is never too late to try something new.

  34. Play a sport.

  35. Play an instrument.

  36. It’s okay if you try something you don’t like too.

  37. Give it a second try anyway to be sure.

  38. Even if you come in last, you did better than everyone who didn’t try.

  39. Summer camp is not an option.

  40. You’re going.

  41. But go when you are ready.

  42. Keep in touch with your further friends.

  43. Just because you don’t see each other everyday, doesn’t mean they don’t care about you.

  44. Be kind wherever you go.

  45. But don’t let kindness get in the way of honesty.

  46. Stick up for yourself, no matter how hard it might be.

  47. Don’t focus on the negatives.

  48. Everyone is doing the best job they can.

  49. So don’t freak out if your waiter takes an extra 5 minutes to bring your check to the table.

  50. You are allowed to freak out after a solid 30 minutes.

  51. Don’t complain about something you can fix.

  52. Complaining is not a way of bragging.

  53. Any situation can be funny.

  54. So laugh a lot.

  55. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

  56. Laugh at yourself.

  57. Make friends that laugh with you.

  58. Don’t let others make decisions for you.

  59. Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do.

  60. You don’t need to rely on validation from anyone besides yourself.

  61. Shopping and going out to eat count as hobbies.

  62. Rock your curly hair.

  63. Your inability to straighten your hair everyday is nothing to be ashamed of.

  64. Care about something besides yourself.

  65. Like a puppy.

  66. Memorize a fun fact about yourself to be used during any icebreaker activity.

  67. And decide your favorite movie.

  68. And ice cream flavor.

  69. Ben and Jerry’s is usually a good bet.

  70. Don’t hitch-hike.

  71. Sometimes sleep isn’t a priority.

  72. But not all the time.

  73. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

  74. Just say no to dumb people and things.

  75. In good times and lousy times, roll with the punches.

  76. Tomorrow is another day.

  77. Being messy is okay.

  78. As long as you do a deep clean once in a while.

  79. Confidence is cute.

  80. And admirable.

  81. You are strong in ways you may never even know.

  82. There is a difference between vanilla and vanilla bean ice cream.

  83. Question everything.

  84. Stay informed.

  85. Be strong in your convictions.

  86. But receptive to constructive feedback.

  87. And open to alternative ideas.

  88. Wear sunscreen.

  89. Some pimples just have to be popped.

  90. Be resourceful.

  91. Everyone has to stir their hot chocolate with a fork sometimes.

  92. Know your flaws.

  93. But don’t use them as an excuse.

  94. You can never have enough nicknames.

  95. You don’t have to smile through the pain.

  96. It’s okay to cry.

  97. Don’t be afraid to eat until you’re full.

  98. Even if that means a whole pizza to yourself.

  99. Chipotle over Moe’s always.

  100. Go for walks.

  101. You’ll just know.