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Ten Things to do for Galentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Not in the mood to conform to this bizarre, consumerism driven, hallmark holiday? Here are ten ways to avoid the crowds and spend the evening with your girls!

  1. Movie marathon

If you have access to a car, grab your girls and go catch a double feature at the drive-in! Bring your own snacks and snuggle up in the cold for a couple cheesy rom-coms . http://www.nwarocks.com/local-news/arkansas-drive-in-theaters/

  1. Spa session

Nails, face masks, hair masks, all the masks. Get some much-needed R&R with your squad. http://talkspas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Spa-Party.jpg

  1. Potluck dinner

Hide from the date-night mayhem and avoid dining hall food for the evening. Make yourselves a home cooked (or microwave cooked) meal to enjoy together. http://www.yorkhospital.com/uploads/Cafeteria.jpg

  1. Write each other love-letters

Show each other some love. Tell the people who matter most how much you love and appreciate their presence in your liveshttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/56546267e4b00a349c2faf16/t/58a37474d1758eb85567289b/1488505374815/Valentine%27s+Day+Fun%3A+Galentine%27s+Day+in+Baltimore+%7C+Shotgunning+for+Love+Letters

  1. Visit your local animal shelter

Doing a good deed AND snuggling puppies? Enough said. http://www.totopets.com/img/cutest-animals/Cute-Happy-Puppy.jpg

  1. Karaoke night

Whether it’s in your dorm room or at an actual karaoke bar, belt out some angsty love songs and embarrass the heck out of yourselves together.​https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/64260/384285409/stock-photo-party-holidays-celebration-nightlife-and-people-concept-happy-young-women-singing-karaoke-in-384285409.jpg

  1. Treat yourselves!

Go shopping, a little retail therapy never hurt, right? No need to drop a ton of cash or anything, window shopping is great too.​https://res.cloudinary.com/simpleview/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,h_400,q_75,w_700/v1/clients/wilmington/iStock_494421154_43c5776f-1aa7-43fa-b0d8-77dfa3bf7718.jpg

  1. Get out on the town

Do your hair, do all the makeup tutorials, and go out looking like the fabulous queens you are!​https://media.women.com/images/images/000/095/629/large/sex.jpg?1494654677

  1. Or don’t

Put on your comfiest sweats, order in, get a ton of ice cream, and binge-watch netflix until you pass out. Doesn’t get better than that, ladies!  ​http://www4.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Kirsty+Lee+Allan+Girls+Night+Fundraiser+Launch+gcEVYL53Jqel.jpg

  1. Grab dessert and watch the sunset

Get some foodstagram worthy desserts and find a good spot to watch the sun go down.​https://c.pxhere.com/photos/d5/65/sunset_sea_thailand_summer_ocean_nature_sun_sky-849846.jpg!d

  1. ~BONUS TIP~ Celebrate Lillian Bickerstaff-Richards birthday because she is a queen and was born on February 14th! Happy birthday Lily!



Emily Rae Foreman is a senior at Brandeis University studying Internationals and Global (IGS) studies with a double minor in Economics and Anthropology. She has been acting President of Her Campus Brandeis for two years, as well as a tour guide, an Undergraduate Department Representative for IGS, A writer for the Brandeis Politics Journal and Vice President of the Brandeis Society for International Affairs.