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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

For the 12th year in a row, the mighty Wyncoop, Allison, and Curran families, more popularly known as WAC, packed up their cars and ventured off into the Pocono Mountains for a celebration of the annual ski trip. No one actually skis on this trip, and I guess you could call it an excuse to get drunk and ignore all your responsibilities, but it works. For three days, it is an endless amount of Mark’s award winning food, along with Scotties incredible selection of wines and Dennis’ dance moves. Sporadic dance parties, 4am hot tub dips, rollerblading hairy men, and murder mysteries are only a few of the many miscellaneous things the trips entails. At the end of it, whoever WAC’d the hardest gets the WAC award, a very prestigious, glorified banana holder that is near and dear to our hearts. This year, K master Kell took the gold which ruffled a few feathers, shout out Sean. Regardless, when President’s day weekend rolls around, the 16 WACers wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world than in a rented ski home.

Hi! My name is Kiah Conway and I'm a double major in Journalism and Creative Writing here at Seton Hall. I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus, as well as a Chapter Advisor for some HC Chapters. If it wasn't already obvious, I am really passionate about writing. I'm also a serious Netflix addict and book lover. In between binge watching Marvel movies and doing homework, I spend my time hardcore Pinteresting and writing short stories.