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The Importance of Being Transparent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

 I’ve recently seen how much being open and transparent with the people you care about is important. I think sometimes we feel like we need to suppress all these emotions and feelings as if we’re not human and not allowed to feel these things. I think that is wrong.

  Every individual is entitled to feel any and every emotion in the book. What is NOT okay is to just keep it all inside and never have the opportunity to talk with someone about how you are feeling. Whether that someone is a parent, best friend, or even psychologist. It’s very easy to just say “I’m okay” to every person who asks you. But deep inside you could be going through a challenge you don’t really know how to deal with. This is why being open about your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust and can help advise you is really important.


College is full of many experiences and changes, so consider yourself more than allowed to feel all the things that come along with it. There are many people that feel the same way as you do, so you are never really alone in this. Just do not suppress anything. Recognize how you feel, talk it out with a trustworthy individual and allow yourself that needed time to feel better again.


We all need that time to feel all these emotions & take that breather once in a while!




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