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Why I’m Feeling Inspired by Nature

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

There’s something about this gorgeous, sudden spring that has been inspiring me lately. It’s deeper than the usual “spring fever” where one is fixated on the green grass and bugs zooming around. This spring has not only made me want to skip classes in order to take long walks through the arb and lounge around in my hammock, it has made me want to write new things.  

Although I am writing year-round, this spring has inspired me to try new things in my writing. While I usually write fiction stories, this spring has found me writing poems about the trees, the wind, even mountains (specifically, the Rocky mountains, which I saw for the first time over spring break). I have never been this inspired by nature before. Even though these poems aren’t the best (I really am so much better at writing fiction), I still feel proud of them because they are out of my comfort zone, and are about something for which I feel passionate: nature.

The bitter cold of J-term had left me feeling very uninspired, so this refreshed feeling has been more than welcomed. During the cold months, I dreaded walking to class, or even to the caf. The long treks across campus were windy and miserable. But now I savor my walks outside, short or long, because I can finally feel the sunshine on my skin.

I don’t know how long this inspired feeling will last, but I hope it stays for awhile. Now that campus is warm, the days don’t feel like such a battle. Rather, they are each gifts that can be enjoyed, instead of something gloomy you must trudge through. I feel like the sun coming back allows me to smile again. This inspired smile has turned into some new writing, new ideas, and new adventures.

Marie Osuna

Gustavus '21

Always drinking coffee and writing.