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Lorelai Gilmore Gives You Advice on Life: Chapter 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Everyone has goals and dreams; even if you feel like you don’t have a set plan,  there’s always something that you want to achieve in life. Your goals and dreams are not too small or too big, too wide nor too thin. They are YOURS, no one should judge them, and no one can critique them.

Every dream or goal, no matter how small, requires hard work and commitment. No one will hand over what you want on a silver platter. I didn’t go from maid to manager, to owner of an Inn by sitting around, doing the bare minimum waiting for someone to notice me and hand me the promotion. I worked hard for years to be where I am today. Don’t make excuses to not make it because everyone has a lot going on in their lives one way or another, but you won’t make it to where you want with excuses and “quejas.” I know it sounds cliche but the only one stopping you is you; don’t blame it on anyone else.

Let’s say that you can’t achieve one of your dreams or goals, even after doing everything in your power towards it. It’s like the universe doesn’t want that for you or maybe you already accomplished that dream or goal? First of all, congratulations! Paul Anka is wagging his tail for you. Now, go out and find a new goal or modify your previously existing goal as to make it into something you can accomplish. Don’t tell me that there isn’t anything else and that you achieved everything because that’s impossible. The world is huge! There’s always something, and it’s NEVER too late to dream a new dream or to set a new goal (in your life).

Oh, and I know some of you have known since forever what college you wanted to get into, what you wanted to study or even where you wanted to work. But then you grew up, you changed, and now you’re not sure anymore. That’s great. Probably a lot of people won’t understand your change of heart, but it’s ok to change your mind and opt for other things as you grow up.

Don’t do something you don’t want to do, this decision will affect the rest of your life. Even if you choose to take a year off from Yale, whichever college you’re enrolled in, to really find yourself and you’re ultimate purpose in life, it’s okay! No one will live your life and the world can wait. In other words, it’s ok to change and go with it, change your dreams and goals.

Don’t give up, this race is about persistence and hard work; everything will come.

One more thing: don’t let ANYONE get inside your head. Don’t let them unmotivate you and push you away from achieving those goals and dreams. If it’s not support coming from them but the disbelief that you can actually make it and the critiques toward you and what you want to achieve, you should reconsider whether you want those people in your life.

Never give up on your dreams and goals, even if they take forever to achieve. The world is what you make of it!

Until next time!