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5 Tips to Don’t Freak Out During the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

We are already in the end of the semester and we’ve been gathering too much content, projects, exams, scientific articles, researches… Now what? How to handle all of this? The time is so short and just makes us all want to cry. But let’s calm down!

We’ve prepared you a guide that will help you survive this period in the most useful and healthy way.

1. Be organized

Without organization, you will probably get lost and fail doing important activities, so the best thing to do is to get things in order. Making a spreadsheet in excel, notepad or even in your calendar will help you to know what work to do first, what are the projects’ delivery dates and how to study for the oncoming tests.

2. Have a break to yourself

In the midst of chaos between exams and projects, you need to take your time. After making so many obligations, it would be interesting to take a break and do something to relax while watching a nice movie, or even doing nothing during some time for awarding yourself with a mental rest.

3. Read a book

Still talking about giving yourself a time, reading a book is always a good thing to do. Reading a book of the genre of your choice will be beneficial both in helping you to relax and making you more productive. Among the benefits of reading, we can highlight:

  • It will enrich your vocabulary
  • It increases neural connections, making your brain work better =)
  • It stimulates creativity (it might even help you work on that article that you were mentally blocked and could not finish)
  • It incites critical sense

Do you see how wonderful reading is?

4. Taking care of the body is mind and soul care!

It is fact that doing physical exercises constantly throughout the year will bring you several benefits, but practicing especially in times of stress will help you to de-stress –  and you may also find that you enjoy doing a sport, becoming a regular exerciser beyond that time. Those who practice physical exercises feel more energy during the day, making the productivity increase, especially if allied to healthy eating and recommended hours of sleep (in this case, 7-9 hours).

5 – Focus on the goal

Keeping focused is a great ally for you to achieve higher accomplishments without falling into procrastination. Taking a break between activities is important but one must be careful not to self-sabotage and make an entire day that would be used to get the chores turn into a day full of Netflix and couch. Keep in mind that doing well in college is important to you, so getting good grades is something to focus on right now.

If you strike a balance between doing what you like and fulfilling your obligations, the end of the semester will be a success! ;)


Public Relations student and collaborator here at Her Campus.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.