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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

Getting tested for STDs is not something that most people do, but I think every college student should be tested for STDs at least once.  Of course the best way to prevent against STDs is to be abstinent, but realistically not many people are which is fine.  If you are sexually active one of the best ways to protect against STDs is by using condoms, and even when used properly they are only 98% effective. If you don’t like using condoms that’s fine as well, but it becomes that more important to make sure you and your partner get tested.  


The most common STD among college students is Chlamydia. About half the people who are sexually active are at risk for getting it. It is important to get tested because people who have Chlamydia usually do not present with symptoms. If left untreated Chlamydia can lead to problems with infertility in both males and females.  My school offers free testing and I think more schools are start to follow this example to help students. If your school doesn’t offer this there are places that offer it such as planned parenthood, or your primary physician.