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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

     Avril Lavigne is back. Yes, you read that right; Avril Lavigne, the 2003 pop-punk skinny legend is BACK. Three weeks ago, Avril resurfaced with a song called Head Above Water, which is low-key giving me all the feels. Avril has been pretty quiet on the music front but has been fairly open about her Lyme disease diagnosis, even saying at one point she “accepted her potential death.” As somebody who’s stanned Avril Lavigne since Complicated, this song is iconic in a whole different way. Avril looks good, dressed in all white and running across the beach, and it’s clear that her skater-girl/pop punk days are over and she’s exploring different themes.

     Head Above Water is emotional and raw, it’s clear that this song means a lot to her emotionally and mentally. As a listener, you can’t help but be reminded of Kesha’s Praying while listening. The lyrics to Avril’s new song themselves are extremely impactful and a complete 180 degree spin from what we’re used to. Avril’s last release, Hello Kitty, made everybody scratch their heads and ask, where did Avril go? Well, Avril’s back and this song reignites my love for her even more! This song is totally something I can see being something I play when I’m sad, or even when I just need to be reminded of how much of an ICON Avril is. Head Above Water is literally the emo anthem we didn’t know we needed, so definitely, if you need to feel all the feels, or just remember how much of an underrated vocalist Avril Lavigne is, go stream it and you totally wont regret it!

     The link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKF6ghfcQic

Olivia is a Criminal Justice major who's minoring in Psychology!
Madi is a sophomore Fashion Communciations major at Lasell College. In addition to being a part of Her Campus, she is also a part of Empty Bowls and is a Peer Mentor. She loves Harry Styles, hanging out with friends, and thrift shopping.Â