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Why I’m Voting (And Why You Should Too)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Election Day is right around the corner.  And for me, the outcome of the election will give our country insight into our future, for better or for worse.  Despite my seemingly dramatic and gloomy outlook, I see this midterm election year as an incredible call to action because of our citizens’ exhaustion with the current administration.  We have more women running for Congress than have ever before, and flipping the House would seem to represent America’s dissatisfaction with Trump’s America in the first half of his tenure.   With the Brett Kavanaugh’s recent confirmation, the separation of families at the border (a problem that still has not been resolved), the unprofessional rhetoric coming from the White House, and so much more, I’ve seen so many people who never involved in politics before educating themselves and engaging in this important process.  Campaigning, phone calling, and even just talking to friends about candidates have become imperative means to get Democrats into the White House (and keep current Democrats in too).  Not only do I think that voting right now is crucial, but I think voting every year marks one’s civic duty.  We are so lucky that we can vote officials in and out of power, and I would not miss voting for the world.  

So, I’m attaching some links to absentee ballot registration deadlines, registration deadlines, and some of the key races to keep an eye on during Election Night.  Go out and make your voice heard!




Devon Carlson

Dickinson '20

Devon is a junior at Dickinson College, majoring in Political Science and Educational Studies. At Dickinson, she involves herself in a cappella and soccer, but outside of her school work and extracurriculars, she has a very strong passion for coffee and all things related to The Office.