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Follow Her: 2018 World Series Celebrations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

At the beginning of senior year, I told my mom that if the Red Sox won the World Series this year, then I would have gotten everything and more I could have ever dreamt about out of my college experience. This dream became a reality on Sunday, October 29, 2018 at approximately 11:30 pm. Tears were shed, hugs were given and a night of celebrations had begun.

I was watching the game with some of my friends, and as soon as Chris Sale struck out Machado, we immediately grabbed out coats and ran outside to run the streets of Boston and celebrated with our fellow classmates and college students from all over Boston. My friends, Jess and Riley, and myself ran down the streets of Boston until we ended up at the Boston Commons, which was filled with celebrating Red Sox fans. During this celebration, all that was going through my head was “Is this real life? Did the Red Sox actually win?” and it wasn’t until the following day when it had really set in that the Sox did in fact win, and I would be going to a championship parade.

The night before the parade I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve, I was just so excited that I couldn’t sleep. Eventually Wednesday morning came, and I was up and out the door by 8am to get a prime viewpoint of the parade. My friends and I made our way to Copley because we knew that the Fenway area was going to be insane, and that if we went further down the parade line there would be a spot where I would be able to see. I had so much fun at the parade and I’m so glad I got to experience yet another championship win from a Boston team (#TitleTown).

Credit: Alison Hannigan​

Alison is a senior Biology major with a concentration in Health Sciences at Emmanuel College in Boston. When she's not studying she loves to write and share her endless amounts of science jokes.
Gianna is a freshman at Emmanuel College and is really excited to see what this year has in store for her. Along with writing for Her Campus, Gianna participates in Yoga Club, Zumba Club, and Colleges of the Fenway Dance Project. In her free time, you will most likely find her watching Friends and sipping tea out of her Central Perk mug.Â