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Which Spring Semester Classes are Laf Students Excited for?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

As a small liberal arts college, Lafayette gives students the opportunities to explore a wide range of interesting courses throughout their four years. Lafayette students have a vast array of passions that they engage in, whether they do that through a major, minor, or a fascinating elective. Through an anonymous survey sent out to the student body, I was able to gauge what classes Lafayette students are most excited to take in Spring 2019 and how that intersects with their other studies and interests.


The overwhelming amount of courses in the course catalog gives students the opportunity to pursue classes in unique and original fields. One student expressed excitement over registering for the Foundations of Education class because this course is specifically tailored for students who are looking to enter the education field by giving them relevant and impactful experience and knowledge.


The core curriculum, while frustrating at times, also offers students the chance to leap out of their comfort zone and explore a subject they never gave a second thought to in the past. A Lafayette student is eager to take Elementary Arabic because it will allow them to learn a different language that they may never get the chance to encounter again. Further, the core curriculum encourages students to take classes outside of their major. A Junior neuroscience major looks forward to taking the history course, Europe: World War I to Now because they have not been able to take a history class since high school and want to rediscover their passion for this subject.


Students also revealed that they took courses that they felt had relevance to the real world and that could further their understanding of societal constructs and the professional world. A Junior Biology major is looking forward to taking the Anthropology & Sociology course “Race, Racism, and Health in the US” because they are interested in learning about the health disparities related to race. This student also explained, “I am especially interested in how I can be more aware of [health discrimination] in a healthcare career.”


Students’ passion and affection for certain subjects sparks their involvement in classes. A Junior double majoring in International Affairs and Spanish is looking forward to taking “Elementary German I” because they, “love languages!” A Sophomore who is pursuing a B.S. in Psychology is most excited for their “Art History Seminar” because it is their passion and want to be around like minded individuals to discuss art.


Even if you want to adhere strictly to requirements for your major, these students stories prove that you can be successful while also pursuing classes that are unique or revolve around a passion of yours. College is a time to explore possibilities and Lafayette is a great place to pursue an abundance of interests!


Sandi Manfreda

Lafayette '21

psych nerd
Krystyna Keller

Lafayette '21

Creating things since '98 Campus Correspondent for HC Lafayette