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The Law of Attraction: How to Implement It in Your Daily Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

We live in a world where most of us focus on the negative and stray away from the positive. It is more acceptable to say “I probably failed” or “I can’t do that” rather than believing in yourself and your goals.

The thoughts we have everyday affect our life decisions, which ultimately affect the course of our lives. Here’s all about the Law of Attraction and how you can begin to start living the life you want:

To quickly sum it up, the law of attraction states that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, you will attract positive or negative energies into your life, which will bring on positive or negative events. This basically means that your thoughts have the power to control your life (pretty crazy right). But it does make sense if you think about it. How you focus your thoughts and time will affect your future by how you are preparing for events that you want. You don’t need a crystal ball to tell you your future when you have the ability to create any future you want for yourself.

Think of where you are now in life. I know when I was in high school I always had thoughts about going to a college where I can study what I want and have many new friends — that’s where I am today. By focusing my thoughts positively on my future in high school, I was motivated to try hard in school to be sure that I would be able to attend a college where I can study what I am passionate about. You’ve probably already used the law of attraction at multiple points in your life without even realizing it. Think about the job you have or the trips you have been on. You had to manifest those events into your life, they probably didn’t just show up.

Implementing the law of attraction into your daily routine is very simple. Begin by understanding what you want in your life. It can be a future career or just what you want to do today. Create a bucket list of all of the things you want to accomplish in your life. Dream bigger and bigger. No dream of yours is too crazy. Whether it’s a future career, travel goals, or just smaller goals like running a 5K, make a list of anything you wish to accomplish. This will help lay out all your goals visually and will help spark new ideas that you may have never even thought about.

Be sure to always be working towards your goals and pursuing positive actions alongside your positive thoughts. It’s one thing to think of your dream life, but if you are not seeking discomfort and are expecting those dreams to magically come true, you won’t see the results you want. The best results come from pushing ourselves and seeing what we are capable of.

After you have a clear vision of the life you want for yourself, focus on positivity. You will be able to create the life you want for yourself once you only focus on positive thoughts. This does not mean pretend like everything is okay all of the time. It is more beneficial to accept the fact that things aren’t always going to be great or easy. Don’t let small things like a bad grade or a dirty look someone gave you ruin your whole day. Every day has potential to be a great day. If you have positive thoughts, you will attract positive people in your life. Once you set your mind to something you can make it happen.

Here are some quick changes you can make in your life today!  

  • Be grateful for what you have now and how far you have come in life.
  • Think back to what you used to want in life and reflect on what you got and how you got it.
  • Talk about what you like about your life instead of what you don’t.
  • Instead of constantly complaining about what you don’t like in your life, try to change it.
  • Change how you phrase your thoughts. Instead of saying “I want” try saying “I’m going to.”
  • Cut out toxic people in your life. If the people you surround yourself don’t believe in you, how are you going to believe in yourself?
  • Say yes to more opportunities! (your bed and Netflix will always be there).
  • Watch “The Secret” on Netflix to dive deeper into the law of attraction!

Just by making subtle changes to our minds and attitudes, we all can create the life we want to live. Dream your hardest and never stop believing in what your life will look like!

Tara Byrne

Montclair '21

Tara is 22 years old and a senior at Montclair State majoring in fashion studies with a minor in business. She loves keeping up with pop culture and catching up on her Youtube subscriptions. Tara mostly writes fashion, beauty, and lifestyle pieces for Her Campus. She is the current President and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Montclair. In addition, she is a Co-Campus Coorespondent for Her Campus Montclair.
Emma Flusk

Montclair '19

Emma Flusk is recent graduate from Montclair State University, where she majored in Television and Digital Media. She was the Editor-in-Chief and a Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She’s passionate about anything that has to do with lifestyle, beauty and wellness for women. She is a self-proclaimed craft queen, semi-pro binge-watcher and a lover of all dogs.