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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Love: kind of a broad term, but at the same time, what do you think I mean? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, love in the intransitive verb form is to feel affection or experience desire. 

In my opinion, love is much, much more than to feel affection or to experience desire for something. Love is deep, beautiful and indescribable. When you love, you have to love fully, passionately and truthfully. If you don’t, then you’re basically lying to yourself. Now trust me when I tell you this, heartbreak, yeah it sucks, but you have to realize that sometimes it’s best, because that person obviously didn’t realize your worth and how amazing you are. God takes people out of our lives for a reason. They are either a blessing or a lesson. 

Now you’re probably wondering why the heck I am writing this or who broke my heart. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I give my love fully, passionately and truthfully. But before, I didn’t. In that case, things didn’t work out between I and Mr. Unknown. Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I was hurt for a decent while, but whenever I realized that maybe things weren’t right for the time, or that we are probably better off just friends, it helped me overcome what I thought was going to hurt for a very long time. Now believe me, there will be heartbreaks that words could never possibly explain, but you just have to keep pushing through.  

I had to pick myself up off the floor, wipe those tears off, and put a smile on my face, even if I didn’t believe it. What really helped me through the heartbreak struggle was the amazing support group that had held my hands every step of the way. It’s not hard to make your life do a complete 360, especially when you have the help of a support group. Now enough talk about heartbreak, let’s talk more about love. I don’t care what kind of love you’re expressing. Whether it be from a significant other, friend group, family member, or to yourself. Just know that it is inevitable and you will eventually realize that Cupid will find you one way or another. You’re going to hear or see love being expressing a million different platforms. Music, social media, in public, movies, books, animals, ect., ect. Love is everywhere, there is even a whole day devoted to love.  

When you find that type of love where it’s like what Miley Cyrus said in the 2012 film, LOL. “It feels so good to love someone so much it hurts. I don’t know how people survive this, honestly.” If this quote describes your feelings, just know you reached that type of love that full, passionate and true love. 

Good luck, cause you’re about to experience something like nothing else! 



saint vinny's '22. writer & photographer. check out my vsco! link below. www.vsco.co/nnnoelleee